Hell, he’d have one when breakfast was done. Having offered to take her topside as soon as she dressed, Mia didn’t hesitate to rush to where he’d tossed the gown, stripping his shirt from her body as she went. Modesty was clearly not a virtue his wife possessed as she didn’t exactly keep her back turned to him while she pulled the dress over her head. He’d gotten a fine view of her in profile. Her high, full breasts, taut flat belly—his eyes lingered on both a bit too long. But he already knew her ass, thighs and legs. What lie between would be as it was on any other female. Her giggle though, as she turned her back and asked he do the buttons, sounded almost innocent. Like she might not have any thoughts about the inappropriateness of her actions. Or maybe not, given they were married. Still when he approached, her anticipation was visible and each time he let his knuckles brush the skin on her back he heard her breath catch. Yet there didn’t seem to be any disappointment on her part when he finished the last button. Was she only being coy, or did she want to keep his lust raging a while more? Devin couldn’tdecide.

What he was sure of was that seeing Mia introducing herself to the crew and seeing those men take her hand in greeting made him want to toss the whole lot overboard. And her too, given how she easily smiled and laughed with them, pointing to things around the ship and conversing like she’d known them for years. She stepped closer to one sailor as he pointed out something in the rigging. Mia pointed as well, drawing a line through the air to the ship’s forward mast. There was more animated conversation, gestures made by crew and Mia, and a good hardy laugh in the circle around her. Not until she turned to greet Lieutenant Coventon did anythingchange.

The men around Mia scattered and whatever Coventon said caused Mia to jerk back as if slapped. She seemed stunned a moment, then turned right into the arms of Grim who hauled her up and carried her away. Mr. Hong was already directing his angry tirade at the officer as Devin made his way from the helm towards them. Grim stopped and set Mia on her feet only a moment before Coventon took a swing at Mr. Hong. Before Devin could say how it happened, Coventon was flat on his back on the deck and Mr. Hong was standing over him with a closed fist poised to hit him in thethroat.

“That’s what you get,” Mia yelled with a hitch in her voice. “That’s what youget.”

Mr. Hong held his threatening pose a moment more, before stepping over Coventon, turning and coming to where Grim carried Mia. Devin reached the group a second later. “What happened?” he asked watching the lieutenant pick himself up and try to regain hisbearing.

“He’s mean,” Mia nearly wailed. “I don’t likehim.”

“He not good to Mia,” Mr. Hong said, not clearing up the matter at all. “Bad man…” The rest was lost as he switched languages and directed all the words to Mia who only nodded in agreement against Grim’schest.

“Arrest him,” Coventon commanded as he stormed over to them. “Assaulting an officer is criminal. Arresthim.”

Devin watched the men of the crew shift nervously. It was a lawful command, but Coventon wasn’t popular on board. His commission mostly bought, he was arrogant and dull. He’d not learned camaraderie, and it couldn’t be paid for. That came only through working with the crew. So far Coventon kept himself apart, mixing only with the other officers. One man did step forward, but when he did Mr. Hong took a defensive stance. Even though he was barely as tall as Mia, given how he’d easily downed the lieutenant, the man steppedback.

“I said arrest him,” Coventon commandedagain.

“Go away. You’re a horrid man,” Mia said with a sniff. “I hope you get swallowed by a whale.” Devin bit his lip. She couldn’t know the man’s given name wasJonah.

“And youare—”

“Mywife, Lieutenant,” Devin said, stepping towards theman.

“Captain,” Coventon said and inclined his head in acknowledgement of Devin’s superior status. “That man attacked me. There are witnesses. I demand he be locked inirons.”

“I did witness the event, though I didn’t hear what words were exchanged,” Devin said calmly and from the corner of his eye watched Mia hook Mr. Hong by the shirt collar and tug him back, closer toher.

“He call Mia not good, tell her get off ship. Make Mia not happy,” Mr. Hong yelled and tried to step forward only to have Grim put out an arm and block him. The three huddled close, much like a group of siblings waiting for their father’s wrath to fall orfade.

“There is no place on a ship for a woman,” Coventon informedthem.

“I was born on a ship you scurvy puss pocket. I know more about ships and sailing than you will ever hope to,” Mia snarled, stepping around Mr. Hong, but not far from Grim. “I’ve as much a place on the sea as any man and no man will put me ashore because his prick is so small he isn’t sure of his ownmanhood.”

“Mrs. Winthrop,” Devin snapped, pressing his lips firmly together and hoping to refrain from snickering like the crew. Mia cast a good insult. But at the appropriateness of her language, Devin could onlysigh.

The younger officer clearly was never treated to the sharp tongue of a beautiful woman. Without a doubt, ladies probably swooned over him. For a moment, Coventon was lost for words. “Arrest him,” he finally stutteredout.

“Lieutenant,” Devin called in command voice, causing those around him to snap toattention.

“Captain, he attackedme.”

“You were mean to me,” Mia shouted and not surprisingly stomped herfoot.

“There’s no place on a ship for a woman,” Coventon went back to his originalstance.

“And yet,” Devin said stepping between the glaring people. “She’s here. She’s here and here is where she’llremain.”

“Captain?” the man almost whined, but managed to make it sound more pleading thanwhiny.

“Everyone aboard was briefed on the situation,” Devin said reminding them of the explanation given as to why their captain was breaking every protocol and bringing not just a female, but a wife on board a Royal Navy vessel. “Were you not in the special briefing given by the Admiral,Lieutenant?”

“Aye, Captain,” the man said as his shoulders slumped, very much the way Devin’s had when he realized that pirate posing as commodore had more thansomesway with every high official in the Caribbean. Whatever, whoever, the pirate was no one went against him. “That man,” Coventon pointed at Mr. Hong, “still attackedme.”

“Yes, and I do believe it was made clear that Mr. Hong and Mr.Grim—”

Mia pulled on his coat sleeve, “Notmister, just Grim,” shewhispered.