“You’re not even going to deny it?” She only shrugged. “You might need a good spanking,” hethreatened.

“Yes, a good one might be nice,” Mia said smartly, now that she knew exactly what a good spanking was. Devin introduced her to it a few nights ago as reward for her help with thepirates.

“Hedonist,” he said sending her through the door with a smack on the ass. “What did you come to see me about, anyway?” he asked sitting down to remove hisboots.

“What?” she yawned again and rubbed her eyes, leaning back on the bench to admire her husband in hisundress.

“Are youtired?”

“My eyes burn from all that reading,” Mia said then, remembering what she had gone to see him about she shot forward. “I was going to ask if before we are fully underway tomorrow might we get Lieutenant Coventon a message. I should like him to search the ship for the captain’s black book. It wasn’t with the logs and papers Ifound.”

“Would a pirate have one?” Devin asked, moving to thebed.

“Devin, why do you ask me these things? I’m not a pirate, and I don’t associate with pirates,” Mia chided him before making her way to the bed. Stepping between his splayed knees she set her hands on his shoulders and enjoyed the way his hands were working their way under herskirts.

“You’re not a pirate?” Devin said like that statement surprised him. “Then I’ve been bamboozled. Are you sure you’re not flying the Jolly Roger?” His fingers found the ties to her drawers. “Perhaps I should search you, make sure.” With a tug the garment fell to thefloor.

“Captain, I promise you’ll not find any contraband on my person, but you might find my hold a bit empty. Could you possibly have something to fill it?” Mia asked, then moaned as his fingers pushed between the folds of hersex.

“I might at that, but first let me make sure this is no trap.” He probed around, teasing by not actually entering her. “Seems sound above board; let’s look what the hold offers.” Two fingers worked their way up and Mia flexed her knees to come down on them. He countered her, keeping his fingers just inside her hot, wet channel. “Avast, naughty pirate. I’m captain. I’ll say when we are fullahead.”

“Captain, best you concern yourself with plugging the leak or you’ll see us both go down with the ship,” Mia ground out, then moaned as he accommodated the request and pushed his finger in deep. Skilled at this as he was, he turned his hand so his thumb rubbed her nub while he stroked herflesh.

“I think it’ll be easy enough to stay afloat. I’ll pump the bilge,” he told her and a moment later Mia felt fingers pressing at her back entrance. There was nothing she could do to stop the sensation and while he worked both passages, Mia rose and fell with the tides until she felt the waters roll back as far as they could. A moment later a tsunami hit her shores and Mia was left gasping for air as she was pulledunder.

Devin let the feeling ease before he adjusted her to straddle his thighs. Mia sat facing him, enjoying the warmth of his embrace and the solid feel he surrounded her with. He was a ship she’d always find safe passage with. There’d be no cracks in the hull or rot in the rudder. If they ever hit rocks it was because they sought out the thrill of that pain. Pain that he wasn’t adding tonight. “Captain?” Mia asked setting her head on hisshoulder.

“No, Mia,” he said lifting her until his stem nudged her hold. He entered so slowly that in itself it was a sort of pain. “No, I’ve changedcourse.”


He lifted her, then eased her down. “Because sometimes I need to make love to a lady, not plunder a pirate or tumble a whore.” He lifted again, held her, then made sure it took forever to come back down. Mia sighed and nodded. A few more slow thrusts and he turned them so Mia lay back on the bed. He never broke contact, but as he settled down and pushed in deeper Mia’s needgrew.

“I’m a lady, Captain.” Mia told him as she lifted her hips to meet hismotions.

“You’re nothing but a perfect lady,Mia.”

“Hmm,” she took him even deeper. “Only fortonight.”

“For tonight then,” Devin agreed and rocked overher.

His every move was distinct and purposeful. He kept at her with the leisure of the waves at low tide in still weather. But even without the hard pounding of the wild storm often found in their bed, Devin still took her to that island where pleasure left her a castaway who wished to never find rescue. Devin joined her there sometime later and this time he was rather slow to leave. When he finally lifted off, Mia looked up to see him staring down at her more intently than he’d done in sometime.

“Aye?” she asked even, and he lay back down half on top of her. His arm pulled her tight against him. “Captain?Devin?”

He shifted making sure they were looking into each other’s eyes. “I love you, Mia. You’re incredible whatever you are being at the moment. I’m so very proud of you, amazed byyou.”

Mia’s chest tightened. This wasn’t his normal line of praise. She lifted her palm to his cheek. “I love you, too. I hope I never disappointyou.”

The gleam appeared along with his wicked grin, “If you do I’ll set you back true north with aproperspanking.” He turned into her hand and placed a kissthere.

“It may be better if you keep me distracted with a good spanking,” Mia said thenyawned.

“I expect nothing less from my first mate, sound advice. I’ll take it under advisement.” He settled next to her, pulled her against him and before the snores said again, “I love you,Mia.”

Chapter 28

“Mia, can you read this?”Devin asked handing her the paper in his hand. It was written in symbols of somesort.