“Jamaica and Port Royal are west,” Mia said pointing back over the ship’s stern. “You’re headed east. See the sun?” The man turned to look at the setting globe in the westernsky.
“Well, bells and balls, oh beg pardon, Missus. You’re correct.” Devin almost laughed again at the man turning bright red and at his blue wording. Mia didn’t even seem to catch the oath. Too polite for her. “Captain, how is it we’ve taken a wrongdirection?”
“Heading,” Mia corrected, even as she joined with everyone else to stare at thecaptain.
“We came around when the fire was spotted,” the captain of thePipersaid. And Devin realized he’d not yet caught the man’sname.
“We did?” Huffington seemed to be thinking about it. “Well, I guess wedid.”
“Captain Winthrop,” Asher said stepping into the group. “We’re ready to raisesails.”
“Very good, Mr. Asher,” Devin said then turned to face the man who was also captain. “If you care for escort, Captain… I’m sorry I wasn’t given yourname.”
“Jones, Captain Jones,” he said and again Devin wasn’t the only man to give the captain a hardlook.
“Well then, Captain Jones, if you wish to follow us in, you’ll need to come about. We’ll wait on you and start on our course atsunrise.”
“Oh lovely, then you and your beautiful wife can join us aboard here for supper. We’ve plenty of room and a very goodcook.”
Huffington’s invite grated, but Devin managed a smile. “Very kind of you my lord but it would be animposition.”
“Nonsense, Captain, I insist,” the manblustered.
“At your insistence then, my lord,” Devin said with an inclining of his head. It was the one part of naval life he detested. Socializing with the peerage and nobility. But there were other women on board this ship and it could do some good to give Mia one night to mix with her own sex. Though seeing her glaring at them now, maybenot.
Chapter 27
“Mia,”Devin spoke sternly and saw Mia look around nervously as she entered the cabin. “Come here,” he said pointing to the spot beside him as he took a seat on thebench.
“Captain?” she asked the smallest hint of fear in her voice. But she obeyed and stepped up where he wantedher.
Without warning, he grabbed her arm and pulled her face down across his lap, flipped up her skirts and untied her drawers before she managed one protest. “Naughty little pirate,” Devin said reaching around to grab her wrist and pull it to the small of her back. It took a bit more effort to catch the second as Mia was busy trying to squirmaway.
“What did I do? Captain, what did I do?” Mia asked a bit more panicked now as Devin pulled her other hand behindher.
Holding them both together at the small of her back, he reached in his pocket for the bit of rope he’d already prepared. He slipped the loop over her hands then secured her wrists before arranging her skirts more to hisliking.
“Devin, please I don’t know what Idid.”
“You don’t?” Devin asked and set his palm on her ass. “How can you not know, Mia? You were so blatant about it.” He rubbed his hand down the soft, smooth, white skin. “Completely unabashed as far as I could see,” he said and chuckled when her skin prickled up and she shifted nervously over hislap.
“Please, Captain,” she pleaded, as she worked now not to let him see how she fought her own arousal. She didn’t know if he was yet scolding or praising so she didn’t want to get herself in a state to be disappointed should he truly be set to punish. “What did Ido?”
He’d never put her in this position to pleasure her, but he was sure now he could and not lose anything in way of ability to use it to dissuade her of poor behavior. It wasn’t the spanking so much as its intent. If the blows came with disapproval and scolding they punished. Now he’d find out what it took to pleasure her. He brought his hand back to the high swell and squeezed hard. “You did what you always do, Mia mine, you drove me mad with desire for you.” He flexed his fingers more and Mia’s groan was followed quickly by a shudder and the sweet scent of her arousal. “Naughty little pirate, distracting me from all myduties.”
“I didn’t,” she denied, then pushed back into his hand as he startedrubbing.
He pulled his hand back and delivered a smart smack, “If I say you did, you did. Are you arguing with your captain?” He landed a slightly sharper blow, heard her hiss, then moan as he rubbed away thesting.
“I might have to, Captain,” Miasassed.
“Are you going to be a complete pirate tonight, wife?” Devin asked forcing her thighs wide. “I might have to give you a good spanking forthat.”
“Good?” she asked and that was all she managed before his hand smacked her pussy. She cried out with each following blow. But with each bite of pain she grew wetter and wetter until it sounded like he slapped at waves not atflesh.
“So naughty. Spread those legs, Mia. Show me how you can be my own little whore.” Mia didn’t hesitate, shifting her hips so she was wide open then arching so she was lifted for his easy access. “Ah,” Devin cooed. “So perfect no matter what you playat.”
Mia groaned then yelped when he brought his hand down much harder than any previous time. It was quickly followed by a ragged moan and her lifting back for yet another. Devin delivered and Mia hissed as she absorbed it and again set herself in place for more. “Devin,” she breathed out and held for him. He delivered another, testing to see just how much she mighttake.