Reaching behind her he set his palms on her ass and let her motions rub against them. He added a pinch or a squeeze to drive Mia closer to her release but he didn’t try and rush her. She’d tell him when she was ready to bring this to an end. For the moment, seeing her above him enjoying the act was another vision he’d always have burning in his memory. Like when she put her face in the wind at the helm or when she stood atop the mast shielding her eyes from the sun as she surveyed the ocean she commanded. She was beautiful. More beautiful than any woman he’d met or seen portrayed inart.
He felt it when she started to clamp down and a moment later she put her hands on his chest. This gave her the leverage to increase the pace, and after a few more undulations, she arched her back, cried out and coated his cock and his fist still holding the base. With a sigh she lay down onhim.
“Are you ready to give me the helm?” he asked and pushed herup.
“Have you wind to take it?” Mia teased as she satup.
“Oh, I’ll take it, pirate, and you. Turn around so I can commandeer this ship.” He helped her spin around on his cock so she faced his feet and he’d the perfect view of her fine ass. Lifting his hips, he drove himself into her. He took his time working her pussy. Each time she thought to again take command, he’d deliver a pinch or a slap to remind her he was captain. Her moans and whimpers grew moredesperate.
Devin placed his thumb against her pussy lips, letting it become coated before placing it against her asshole and pushing in. Mia squeaked and sat up enough that he was able to pull her backwards. So she lay her back to his front, he bent his knees lifting and retreating with more purpose, his thumb in her ass and his other hand working at her clit. Her whole warm body covering his. When she turned her head, he was able to find her lips. Biting down at the same time, he pinched her nub and thrust up deep. Mia cried out, her breath catching and her body shuddering through the orgasm. She cried out again as Devin let go the control he’d barely held onto and spilled his seed insideher.
“Devin,” Mia sighed and reached back to wrap her arm around his head while he placed soft kisses on hershoulder.
“Ready to raise the white flag, my love?” he asked, rolling to his side so they lay spoonedtogether.
“Did you enjoy yourself?” He drew up the covers, careful to remain resting inside her until the lastsecond.
“Every bit of it,” he said, then kissed her shoulder and the back of her neck. “You’re perfection in everything youdo.”
He heard her snort. “Then why is my ass marked with yourdisapproval?”
“Because that is what happens when you are a perfectly naughty pirate,” he said laughing at her sound of outrage. She reached back and slapped his leg, then snuggledcloser.
“I think, Captain, we might need to again discuss vocabulary, because I’m not sure you understand at all the meaning ofnaughty.”
Devin laughed again, wrapped his arm around her, and pressed his lips to her shoulder. “Perhaps, pirate, but I’m learning.” He was going to have to learn faster though if he was going to hold on to thiswoman.
Chapter 25
Mia satup straight from a dead sleep. Beside her, Devin snored softly. The day was exhausting for all as crew spent time adding paint and moving supplies. Another week and they’d reach Port-au-Prince. Although Mr. Coventon’s injury healed well enough, no one thought he needed to see another doctor. Devin planned to make a short stop before heading back to the ports at Cartagena. Today’s labors only added to the many over the last week. Men were exhausted and short tempered and like them Devin and Mia sought out an early bed. Devin fell asleep the minute he was flat, Mia followed more gently. Now, she was wide awake and not surewhy.
She took a deep breath, then listened. All seemed quiet on the ship, but something woke her. Slipping from the bed, reaching for her dressing gown, she gave the bed a glance, seeing Devin sleeping soundly, she made her way to the door, pulling the robe around her. Securing it closed, she climbed ondeck.
Above her, the barest sliver of the moon showed and the stars splattered the night sky. No bird or cloud in sight. She made her way to the portside rail. The cold wet of the deck under her feet made her shiver and she wrapped her arms around herself. The black of the ocean was all she could make out, but something awoke her. Something that was enough to make her hair stand on end now. Leaning a bit, she listened again. Nothing but the lapping waves. Maybe she was crazy. Maybe she needed more sleep. She was about to turn and go below when the barest hint of smoke came on the wind. It was too faint to be a fire on the ship. Not fragrant enough to be from anyone’spipe.
Mia raised her head and waited for the next breeze to lift. It came at her off her left shoulder into her face and she quickly made her way starboard, aft. It was several long moments before she caught the scent again and this time to be sure she scanned the whole of the deck for any signs it burned. She knew relief when she couldn’t connect the two things, the smell of smoke and this ship, but they weren’t close enough to land yet to be able to smell a fire unless it was large enough to burn an entire city and she’d be able to see that atnight.
“Mrs. Winthrop?” Mia turned to see Lieutenant Coventon headed her way. “Mrs. Winthrop what are doing up, so late, alone and,” he waved his hand up and down her person, “undressed?” He kept his voice low but she heard the harsh disapproval. “Go below.” He set his hand on her elbow to herd her that way as the wind carried the smell to heragain.
“Wait,” she hissed putting her hand on his chest to hold him still. “Wait, please.” It was gone again. But maybe… “Take a deep breath sir, please.” She waited until he complied though he looked to do it only to get her off the deck. “Do you smellanything?”
“No. Please go below, ma’am,” he said not overlysharply.
“No, I’m sure… I know,” she said, pulling away and making it to the rail at the point the quarterdeck and the poop deck met. Again, she leaned over, this time catching the wind. But the scent wasn’t on it. Listening again she waited. It was almost a popping sound but she couldn’t besure.
“What’s she doing sir?” someone said behindher.
“Are there sharks?” someone elseasked.
“Mrs. Winthrop, please,” Coventon pleaded. Mia waved them all quiet and listened more intently. Something. She could hear something and again the faintest trace ofsmoke.
“Do you smell that?” someone behind her asked and Mia spunaround.
“What did you smell?” sheasked