It came out in a rush, a large wave of information crashing on him. Devin wasn’t sure he took it all in, but he put it together with what Mia said her mother told her. “Mia, I’m sorry I distracted you from listening. I didn’t mean to. I won’t do it again. I know that’s what you do. What you’re good at,” he said and waited. It seemed he waited hours before she lifted her eyes to search his face. “I know that’s how you help the ship and the crew the best. You’re right. You need to be part of the crew. I’m sorry I hurt you by not letting you be part of it. I’ll find a place for you on theship.”

“There isn’t one, yousaid.”

“I did say, but I was being lazy. I’ll find something, Mia. You’re not ruined. Maybe you were distracted, but you still heard the sharks,” he said, not even knowing what it meant. How did one hear sharks coming in? But Mia had a gift when it came to the ways of the sea. If she called it listening, he’d call it that, too. As long as she didn’t start boasting she could control the weather and waves, as some aboard already believed she could. “You can be part of the crew and you’ll hear thingsbetter.”

“No, because I always think about you. I can’t listen like that.” It still surprised him how quickly her moods could change. A moment ago she sounded hurt and lost, and now she sounded pouty and argumentative. She was rallying back, coming about for anothertry.

“Mia,” Devin said and laughed as he lay back on the bed and pulled Mia on top of him. “I don’t even know what to say to that. Only, if I can learn to complete duties always thinking about you, I know you can learn to do yours thinking aboutme.”

“You don’t think about me. Do you?” she asked, shifting to settle on him so her head rested over hisheart.

“I can’t stop thinking about you. That is the way of it when you love someone.” He lifted his hand and stroked herhair.

“Aye, maybe,” she agreed and fell asleep not long after. Which gave her more energy to fight about the application of the cream, which she claimed burnedterribly.

She’d wailed and cried when he’d applied it to her stern both last night and this morning, but this afternoon something about her complaints rang less true. So as he set his fingers to her ankle and smoothed the concoction over the scrapes, Devin watched Mia’s face. Yes, she winced and bit her lip, but there was a shine in her eyes he knew wellenough.

“Next foot if you please,” he told her and she switched up with little hesitation and again he watched her. She hissed and flinched when the cream was placed on a nastier scuff, but she didn’t pull away. And when Devin bent to blow over what she claimed burned, her moan was distinct. Sitting up he pressed his lips together to keep from smiling and giving away what he knew now. “Wrists,” he said, then cleared his throat when she looked at him oddly. “Hurry or we’ll be late.” She thrust both arms at him. He was gentler here. He’d tied those bonds well and she’d hung from them for several minutes. He followed each stroke of his fingers with a soft blow from his lips, still keeping an eye on Mia’s expression. It took nothing to know what he’d discover when she valiantly protested his next command. “Over with you, keelup.”

“Devin, no. We don’t have time and I don’t want to,” she pouted and looked pleadingly athim.

“Over, Mrs. Winthrop,” he said and tapped his heels on the floor. “Snap to and we’ll be done in short order.” He managed to hide the smile until she bent with a hiss and settled over his lap. “Forward heading,” he said and chuckled when she huffed but adjusted herself further over his knees. He pulled his handkerchief from his coat and wiped his fingers before taking a grip on the soft muslin that made up herdress.

“Don’t make a mess of my dress,” she complained right oncue.

“Of course not,” he assured her, then pulled until the hem was to the small of her back. He anchored it there with his left arm and dipped the fingers on his right hand into the jar again. The first touch made her yelp, “Hold steady,” he soothed but eased up some as he smeared the sticky mix over her stern. When her hands took hold of his leg, he could tell by her flexing fingers when he caused pain and when he caused pleasure. Tipping his head a bit so not to be obvious, he glanced between her thighs. Another pass over some tender spots and her juices started flowing. He watched her clench, trying to hide the fact she was becomingaroused.

He laid that strop down as punishment and made sure she’d felt it as such, but now, if she could find some pleasure in all the hurt he’d not discourage her. Though given the hardening of his cock he needed not to encourage her too much at the moment or they wouldn’t just be late they’d miss supper altogether. He made a few more passes, then lifted his arm from herback.

“There you are, ship shape,” he said and waited for her to collect herself and stand. She took several deep breaths before she shoved off and stood careful to hold her skirts away from her ass until the last layer of undergarment was in place. The cotton shift wasn’t going to be ruined by the cream. She took another breath, swallowed, then made her way to the door. “No drawers tonight, Mrs. Winthrop?” Devin asked as casually as he could, then burst out laughing at Mia’s glare. Standing and slapping his hands together he headed towards her. “No drawersthen.”

Chapter 23

Mia sat as stillas possible on the hard chair and listened to the men talking. Once again not one man mentioned either her poor behavior or Devin’s correction of it. Only when they’d first entered the dining area did she have to acknowledge they all knew, all witnessed the shameful consequences she’d suffered. The cushion was once again in her seat, but Devin made a public point of removing it, refusing her its minor comfort and admonishing his officers for allowing it. Past that strained moment, it was as if nothing untoward happened atall.

The meal was served with complaints and laughter about needing to resupply before they were all left chewing the fat. Some discussion about if any new orders were waiting and then conversation turned to what they’d encounter as the season stretched on. It was nearing the time of year when storms, even hurricanes, could kick up. Ships in this region had two options when they did. Find ports or harbors or run deeper out to avoid being caught on reefs and shoals. Mia knew several safe coves to take shelter and she wanted to say she did, but she didn’t want to again get in the habit of being part of the crew. At least not until Devin proved he meant what he said about finding her a sureplace.

As the conversation became more heated, it became more difficult to bite her tongue and every time she knew the answer not saying so frustrated her to the point ofanger.

“But to drop anchor is to risk both having the ship turned on point and dipping the bow. Perhaps a heavier ship,” Mr. Wilshire was saying as he slapped his hand on thetable.

“You’ve been on such ships in stormy seas I reckon,” she heard Mr. Brinks say. “What do know of it, Mrs.Winthrop?”

Mia started at the address. She’d not been much part of the conversations this night. That frustrated as well, as did not knowing how much she’d be able to add without offending anyone. She kept her eyes on her lap and shook herhead.

“Mia, will you actually tell me you’ve not been in a storm at sea?” Devin asked with a dismissivelaugh.

“No, Captain. I’ve weathered a few,” she told him vaguely, and tried to blink back tears. She could add to this but she wasn’t a part of thecrew.

“Enlighten us then, ships heavy or ships light, anchor down or no?” Devinpushed.

She shrugged. “Depends.” She watched the tear hit the linen of her skirts in her lap and beabsorbed.

“Are you crying, Mrs. Winthrop?” Mr. Asher asked, soundinghorrified.

A hushed silence fell over the room so to her the sniff sounded unnaturallyloud.

“Mia, why are you crying?” Devin asked, but when he reached for her she leanedaway.