“I said go without me. See to thecrew.” She sat back and folded her arms over herchest.

“Mia?” he tried again but she simply turned to stare at the wall. “I’ll have a tray brought in then,” he said as he steppedout.

“Don’t bother,” Mia shouted after him. “Cargo doesn’t eat,” she muttered, doubting he even heard her. “Cargo,” she repeated the word. Well cargo didn’t get stowed in the captain’s quarters either. Collecting her belongings, she headed below, two decks to the hold where the stores of dry food goods were kept. The ship was close enough to ports and islands it was only about half full even when they were starting the four-month sailing round they did. It was here that Mia’s belongs wereplaced.

Dropping what she carried, she began arranging her trunks and the netting holding them so they didn’t slip around as the ship rolled and pitched on the seas. She kept a few trunks out intending to retrieve things from them as soon as she was set up. She was in the midst of lifting a trunk so it sat three high and she’d be able to hang a bed when Grim stepped in, took it from her and placed it how she wanted with a kindsmile.

“Mia,” Hong called as he carried in a tray with bread and boiled pork. He began scolding almost as soon as he set it down, but as she sat and ate he helped Grim arrange the space as she wanted. Mia ate and once everything was situated she fetched a game from one of the trunks left to the side and she, Grim, and Hong played a competitiveround.

Mia did take note when Mr. Brinks stepped in for a moment, but he was gone before she could ask what he wanted. She’d just told Grim she knew he was cheating as they played another game when she heard the deck bell sound. Everyone was readying for the night. Her eyes went to the hammock swinging between the wall and her trunks. Bed would be a cold place. Mr. Hong suggested one more game before they found rest and Mia started arranging the game pieces, not wanting to rush into a lonelynight.

“Mia?” His call stiffened her spine and she didn’t bother to turn and look at him when he stepped up behind her. “Mia, it’s late.” She reached for the die and rolled. “Don’t start another game Mia, it’s time forbed.”

“Then go to bed, Captain,” she told him and indicated Grim should rollnext.

“Mia.” The warning in his tone was clear. “Clear this away and step lively. It’ll be another long daytomorrow.”

“It’ll be another long day for thecrew,” she said and reached for the dice. “I’m not a part ofthat.”

“Mia, I want to find my bed.” Again, she didn’t miss thewarning.

“Do you need a map and compass?” she asked and caught Grim trying not tosmile.

“No,” Devin sounded confused by thequestion.

“Then shove off,” she snapped and heard Mr. Hong mutter a warning of hisown.

“Don’t tell me to shove off, Mrs. Winthrop,” Devin snapped back, grabbing her arm and pulling her to her feet. “Stow this away and come tobed.”

Mia shook off his hold and sat back down. “I’ll find my berth when I’m good andready.”

“What has gotten into you?” Devin asked, coming down on his knee besideher.

“Not a damn thing today; same as it’ll be tonight. Sleep sound, Captain,” Mia said, then again took up the die for her next play. His finger took hold of her chin and try as she might she couldn’t resist his turning her face towardshis.

“I don’t know what you play at Mia, but don’t think I’ll tolerate it for long. I’m going to bed. I expect you to follow.” Devin stood then and without another word climbed the ladder that took him up to the quarters they’d shared so dramatically lastnight.

“You’ll be disappointed, I’m sure,” she muttered when she was sure he couldn’t hearher.

“Mia,” Hong warned. She only shrugged then shrugged again when she caught the look Grim gaveher.

If she was not crew, she was cargo and if that was all she was that was how she’d behave until they found port and she could get off the ship. But as the days stretched out it was easier said than done. As boredom set in, Mia searched her trunks for her log book and some tools. They weren’t going to find port for some time, it seemed, and she needed either off the ship or something more constructive to keep her occupied. Mia reasoned she might need to find another manner in which to avoid Devin as he came for her after only three days and he wasn’t pleasant about it. What she planned would meet her everyneed.

Chapter 18

Devin watchedfrom the helm as his wife again leaned forward over the supplies she’d gathered at the bow. It took almost two weeks to figure out what she was working on, but now everyone could see how masterfully she’d constructed her littleraft.

Using only scraps of wood and discarded metal fittings, Mia put together a rather impressive vessel. Not yet fully realized only because she was conscientious enough to know she couldn’t leave the deck littered with the project overnight and needed to stow it out of the way. She did that by wrapping it in netting and hanging it over the rail when it got too dark to work or the crew needed to occupy the space sheused.

Thecrew. Devin shook his head and sighed. It’d been a mistake of sorts to tell Mia she wasn’t part of it. He’d not thought she’d take such offense. And he let her have her tantrum over it for three days before he dragged her back on deck to have it out with her for taking up quarters in the hold. By then it was already too late. She shut up tighter than a clam. Hardly said a word to him. Wouldn’t respond to any of his orders. Not until he spun her away from him and landed his hand hard on her ass did she react. Spinning back to face him and taking a closed-fist swing at hishead.

Mutiny was all over her face and not wanting to make any more of a public display of their discourse, Devin picked her up and carried her kicking and screaming to their quarters. He set her down and gave her ass a second good smack, then a third. And when the fight didn’t leave her, he dragged her to the bench set his foot up and tossed her over his knee that he could have a more proper go at it. He’d landed a good ten spanks before she cried out for him to stop. He stayed his hand but left it poised and ready to go again. “Are you willing to discuss thisnow?”

“Let me up,” was herresponse.

“All right, Mia,” he said dropping his foot to the floor, “but you’ll find yourself keel up again if you don’t cooperate.” He helped her stand then stepped back in case she got any idea about trying to hit him again. She didn’t try, rather she wiped her eyes and nose with her sleeve and crossed to the far side of thecabin.

“Well, what do you want?” she all but snarled athim.