“I am. I’m not always able to see it at the moment it starts, but I see it much faster now than I usedto.”

“Do you mean because you didn’t want to marry me. I mean you did say ‘I’m not marrying that’, and you weren’t nice when you saidit.”

“Mia,” he said with a laugh as he pulled her down on his knee and hugged her until her breath was squeezed out. “I wasn’t nice that night. I had no idea marrying a pirate could be soenjoyable.”

“Devin, I don’t know why think piracy runs in my family. Papa is only a merchant seaman.” She was a little taken aback by Devin’s expression, but he covered it before she could try and read the doubt. And it could only be the rivalry between the two masters of the oceans. Both complaining the other got in theway.

“It doesn’t matter Mia, none of it matters. I’m a lucky man. Lucky to come to the sea, lucky to live well and safe on the waters and now to have you as mywife.”

“You truly feel lucky to have me as a wife now? Now you know I’m not a whore andsuch.”

“Mia,” he said, his voice hardening as did his hold on her. “Mia,” he softened his tone and shifted so she sat more leaning on him than away. “Try not to get your rigging in a knot. Let me finish first.” She nodded and put her head on his shoulder. “Even when I thought… you were… less than a virgin, I felt quite blessed. Maybe a little bit more so for thinking you had someexperience.”

“Why’s that? I thought a husband wanted a virgin.” Mia lifted her head and looked at him. He looked to be telling her thetruth.

“I’m sure many husbands do want virgins in their beds on their wedding nights. I’m sure too, most of them get prudes, cowering virginal sacrifices who’ll never want more than the most necessary contact to occur and only for the neededprocreation.”

“You don’t wantthat?”

“It doesn’t appeal to me. I rather thought it would be another ten years before I wed, and being nearly forty by then I’d take some widow as my wife. I certainly never intended to waste time partaking in theseason, trying to find some girl with a desperate family,” he trailed off, maybe thinking about what she said to him this morning. “Your display of utter disregard for modesty and,” he hugged her close to him and buried his face between her breasts, “your unbelievable willingness to let me have my way with you. If I’d been granted a wish to have something in a wife, it would be what I have inyou.”

“I’m modest, well, I can be modest,” Mia said though at the moment with his hot breath puffing out down her cleavage and her desire to have his fingers replace his breath, maybe there was cause fordoubt.

“I have no doubt, but,” he said sliding his hand up her side and cupping her tit, doing just as she hoped he would, “if it’s all the same, Mi, leave your modestytopside.”

“You’ll not thinkme—”

“Anything but perfect? No, I won’t. Such decorum is overrated.” His hand slid down her side, past her hip and across her thigh until he was able to hook her knee and lift it so her foot rested on his other thigh. When his hand started back up he found his way under her skirts. He was nearly weight-sided by her drawers but he shifted again, causing Mia to slip between his legs. There he found the opening heneeded.

“Captain,” Mia groaned as his fingers reached hersex.

“Mia, use my name,” he said against her neck as he pinched her flesh. The pain caused a sharp contraction within her and her breath caught. She put her arms more firmly around his neck and pulled up hoping to ease the storm building. The new position, however, allowed him even more access to her body and she felt his fingers stroking at that so very sensitive nub. “My name, Mia,” he said again and when she hesitated his fingers closed hard onher.

It wasn’t quite the full firing of a cannon, but it was enough to make every bit of her body ache and throb. And he wasn’t done. His fingers relaxed and with firm pressure stroked up and down between her folds. Mia couldn’t stop if she wanted to and her hips flexed into the touch adding even more contact. She might again be concerned at the wetness leaking from her like she’d a crack below the waterline, but Devin didn’t seem to care, in fact she felt him gently dip his finger just past her entrance before again resuming what hedid.

“Say my name, Mia,” he said again. Mia bit her lip knowing what would come. He didn’t disappoint. He pinched hard, tugged and twisted. That was all it took. Mia’s cry was muffled by his shoulder and her fingers dug into the skin of his back as she tried to hold on through the pleasure breaking over her. “My naughty little pirate,” she heard him say and felt him chuckle. “Did you likethat?”

“Aye, Captain,” she teased to see if perhaps he’d do itagain.

He laughed, pushed her out of his lap and stood. “Don’t think I don’t see what you are about. There’ll be more, but I think maybe you should return the favor.” She watched him unfasten his breeches and push them down to mid-thigh.

“What might I do that you’d like so much?” she asked watching his prick come out like an unsecuredboom.

“Kneel down, Mia,” he said and added pressure to her shoulders. He must’ve read her doubt on her face. “It’ll be fine Mia, try it. If you don’t like it, we can do somethingelse.”

She had a good idea what he wanted. She had seen this act performed in a few dark corners and alleys. But she’d never seen the appeal and often the woman doing it didn’t seem to care for it. Still his demeanor wasn’t the same as those men she’d seen. They’d been forceful and rude. Devin’s very being was encouraging. She slipped down to her knees and put her hands on histhighs.

“Gently pirate,” he said setting a hand to her cheek and guiding her face so his prick brushed against her lips. “Tongue, lips, and fingers. No teeth. Go ahead, try it.” She hesitated again. “Use your hand. Start with that.” He took her hand from his thigh. “Take a good grip.” He set her fingers on his shaft, but did nothingelse.

No, he wasn’t going to be forceful and rude. Mia slid her fingers around the thick shaft. The velvet softness was maddening. His hard length was maybe the softest skin she’d ever known and yet he didn’t know about sugar scrubbing. The dark tight curls of hair on his groin told her that. She drew her hand up, towards the head. Devin hissed, but when she looked up his eyes were closed and his expression was that ofbliss.

Did she do that? Was it as easy for her with him as it was for him with her? She slid her hand back and Devin groaned. Perhaps it was. She stroked forward again, this time with a bit more hold. Devin sighed, put his hands on his hips and tipped his head back. Mia made another pass and was shocked to see a bit of fluid seep from the end. She wasn’t the only one to spring leaks when touched. Her touch became bolder and Devin’s knees buckled abit.

“Aye, Mia. That’s perfect,” he said as he started to push and pull in time with herhand.

It was a powerful feeling, seeing what she caused him to feel. He was lost in what she did. Exactly like she became when he touched her. What then if… Devin cried out and nearly toppled forward on her when she took him in her mouth. He recovered, setting a hand to the back of her head. He didn’t hold her with any force and again Mia felt safe to try this. Closing her lips, she used her tongue to lick all around the mushroom shaped head of his shaft, before leaning in and taking more of his length in hermouth.

He tasted salty, but clean. Like a sea breeze. And that familiar spicy scent he always carried made her mouth water. It made other things on her water too. She could feel the dewiness between her legs build and drip down. If he touched her right now she’d break apart. And if the sounds he was making were any indication, she was about to cause him to do that verything.