“It hurt,” shepouted.

Devin pulled her so she rested against him. “What we did or my carelesswords?”


“I apologize again for my words, Mia.” He felt her head nod. “As for the hurt in the act. it was going to hurt regardless. It does for a girl’s first time. Though I might have taken morecare.”

“Yes, you are among the larger I’ve seen and most women seem not to enjoy men likeyou.”

Devin closed his eyes and ground his teeth, he didn’t want to know how she knew that. Then he felt some amusement when he realized her rather backhanded compliment. “You did manage some enjoyment though. Didn’tyou?”

She sniffed, “Aye, once it stopped feeling like you split me down thekeel.”

Devin bent to press his mouth to the top of her head, trying not to laugh. Clearing his throat. “Fortunately, you shouldn’t feel that again. Next time I’ll give you the consideration you surely deserve.” And if he had any say, next time would besundown.

“Isn’t it too late?” she asked stepping out of his arms to look at him,confused.


“To give meconsideration.”

“Oh no, Mia,” Devin said reaching out and pulling her back against him. “A woman like yourself, a wife as perfect as you are deserve and will get all consideration every time. As sure as the tidesroll.”

“Oh,” she snuggled against him. “Oh,” she gasped as if she just realized what he was suggesting. “Oh,” shegiggled.


“Captain, if you’re to consider me, might you consider kissing meagain?”

Bold little pirate, she did come about quick enough. “Mia, I consider that every minute of the day,” he said bending down to press his lips to hers. Far more chaste than last night it still heated his blood and if the large hand hadn’t slapped down on the back of his neck Devin might have dragged his wife back to theirquarters.

“Grim, there you are,” Mia said calmer than the doldrums. “Captain Winthrop is going to take us ashore now. You have my basket?” The hand not painfully squeezing Devin’s neck held out a small wicker basket. Mia fished around under the cover and withdrew a cake of soft soap. Bringing it to her nose she sniffed and frowned. “Was there norose?”

Grim let go of Devin’s neck to take back the basket and Devin was about to tell him not to go chasing after a different soap. Mia could be content, this once, with what she was given. Grim reached out took the soap, shoved it back in the basket and handed the basket back to her. The relief of knowing Mia did know she couldn’t have every little thing she wanted washed over him. She did hear the wordno. Maybe not often, but at leastsometimes.

“Fine,” Mia sighed and started for the main deck. Devin watched her a minute then happened to feel he was being glaredat.

“I apologized to her, Grim,” Devin said but the man didn’t seem less inclined to snap him in half. “I apologized, she accepted, we are back on course.” Still the man glared at him. “For the love of god, it’s none of your business. I didn’t hurt her overly and she enjoyed it before the end. Is that what you were waiting to hear?” The man’s face broke into a large smile and he reached out and patted Devin on the shoulder before turning and following where Mia went. “God help me,” he said as he too made his way to the last boat ready to goashore.

Chapter 8

“No,”Mia tried again to direct the man swimming along the cliff face. “Come back port.” She watched him swim to the spot. “Yes, yes right there, straight down. Only get the large ones,” she said as the man waved before diving under to the oyster beds Mia knew waitedbelow.


She turned when Devin called her. She wasn’t sure what would happen after the debacle of last night. Hong Chin warned her thoroughly enough she’d be wise to find accord with Devin. That she’d been childish to lock him out and husbands didn’t like children as wives. He also said husbands didn’t often say sorry and if Devin was willing to, she was a lucky woman and should let him say it. That she’d gotten a chance to have her say as well made it all the better. Maybe they had not cast off as smoothly as they could’ve, but Devin was right, they had a long journey before them, and the waters weren’t always going to beflat.

“What is that man diving for?” Devin asked as he stepped close and pulled her to hisside.

“Oysters,” Mia smiled, feeling the security of his arms. He’d hurt her a bit, but there was no real malice in any of it. And like when he’d taken a batten to her rear, or taken her virginity, when he’d held her afterwards, it felt good,safe.

Devin hummed his approval and pulled her against him. “Those sound delicious.” Something in his tone sounded scandalous, but Mia didn’t know why. The sound of a shot fired made them both jump. A moment later a man emerged from thetrees.

“We got a boar,” heshouted.

“That sounds even more delicious,” Mia said and watched Devin drop hishead.

“I think all the men had their turn at washing, should you like to takeyours?”