“You’ll marry her. Because if you don’t, the deaths of those men will be on your head,” the man said, causing Devin to shot to hisfeet.
“I’m not responsible for them,” hesaid.
“You misunderstand. Their deaths, well you’ll beblamedfor them, or rather it’ll be foundyoumurdered them.” The commodore motioned for him to retake his seat and Devin did as he felt his knees weaken. “Yes, I’ve arranged it so when you leave here you’ll either be a hero or a criminal and no one will doubt any ofit.”
“Why me?” Devinasked.
“You, because as limited as my choices are, I’m not sure I’d find a man better suited for Mia. It’s my hope, as I said, that marriage will take the wind from hersails.”
“Take the wind?” He was more than sure now the woman was a whore drawing the wrong kind of attention to her father’s activities. Perhaps even, given this man’s obvious fondness of the chit, he worried she’d fall to an enemy. “You need a husband to control her? Have you not heard a father can command a daughter?” He chuckled. “It sounds like what you need is a strap not a husband. Control your child with a spanking, but don’t think you’ll foist her onme.”
The bellowing laughter that erupted out of the man was almost comical. He laughed so long and hard, Devin was too surprised to take advantage and attack. When he finally regained some calm, all he could do was shake his head at Devin. “I’m hardly a man to admit it, but with Mia, I’ve no will to discourage, let alone discipline her. She’s had my heart from the moment she took breath. But now,” again the man shook his head, more sadly than before, “now her activities have put a decade’s worth of my work in jeopardy as well as her own life. No, she’ll wed. You’ll take her to England, take the position on land and you’ll keep her off the sea until I have finished with mypurpose.”
Her activities? Was this woman not a whore, but a pirate? It wasn’t unheard of, women pirates. “I’m not marrying your daughter and once I’m free I’ll put an end to your purpose. You’ll be at the end of a rope the way all pirates findthemselves.”
“No,” the older man said again, settling back in his seat. “Not until I find the man who stole my greatest treasure. A man responsible for other criminal acts, but those aren’t my concern. Although, I suspect it’d be yours if your king wasn’t so clueless.” The man dropped his foot hard to the floor and abruptly sat forward. “You, Robert Winthrop, will wed my daughter as I’vesaid.”
“Why must I wed her? Why must she wed at all?” Devin couldn’t help but ask. The man’s words intrigued him.What didn’t the king know about in the Caribbean? What criminalacts?
“I’ve tried, for the last five years I’ve tried, to keep Mia from working to take my vengeance from me. She’s become too emboldened, too willing to risk her life in her pursuit. And yet she won’t hear any word as to thedangers.”
“A whip speaks loudly,” Devin stated flatly. This woman sounded like nothing but trouble and yet sitting before her father, a pirate no less, an urge to protect her washed overhim.
“As I’ve said, I’m no man to be heavy handed with her. She’sspecial.”
Devin groaned, wondering now if he was saying his daughter had a weak mind. “I can’t marry her. I’m sure there’s any number of suitablemen.”
“Youwillwed her. I’ve chosen you.” The man stood, walking to the closed door, he pounded on it before moving back to his seat. “You’ll wed her or before you’re swinging for the deaths of the governor, the youngest son of the Duke of Pembroke, and those other three members of the ton, you’ll hear of the downfall and death of the rest of your family. And even with only brothers, I’m sure it’ll be a greatunpleasanttelling. And your poormother.”
“You son of a…” Devin yelled coming out of his chair and going straight for the man’s throat only to have the points of more than a few swords press against his breast. The threats enraged him past reasonable actions, but he’d no recourse at the moment. And as he tried to take in a deep breath he saw a short, nearly bald man pushed into theroom.
The friar came in calmly, subdued, nothing like the wildly flailing and screeching female carried in over the shoulder of a man so large he had to turn sideways and duck to make it through thedoorway.
He watched as the well-shaped woman was gently set on her feet by the giant who made sure she was steady before stepping back. He didn’t step back far enough though as the woman, whose face didn’t matter given the fine creation her body was, balled her fists and pounded on the man’s chest. The giant simply stood there and took her assault. Not flinching until she stepped back and tried to strike him in the groin with her knee. She was blocked and Devin felt his heart leap to his throat when the man set his big hands on either side of her head. Rather than snap her neck, he bent down and kissed her forehead. The soft act must have had some witchcraft attached. It was all it took to still thefemale.
“You crusty barnacle,” she said with a voice as soft as the lappingwaves.
“Mia?” the commodore called, with no authority at all in hisvoice.
“Papa?” The woman spun around, clear surprise on her very beautiful face at seeing the man. “Papa,” she cried out and flung herself against him. “I should’ve known.” Devin saw her arms tighten as she tried to getcloser.
“Mia, my little siren,” the commodore said, pushing her backwards and giving her the same full appraisal Devin was giving her, though for Devin it wasn’t given with a fatherlyeye.
The woman was stunning. Even in the poor lighting, Devin wouldn’t be able to miss those full high breasts, the tight curve of her waist, the flare of her hips, and considering she wore britches, her long trim legs. Her loose flowing shirt covered her ass and the tops of her thighs, though he’d guess they were as fit as the rest of her. The swirling cloud of thick black hair swished wistfully around her knees as the commodore tried to push it back from herface.
“Look at you. Have you grown?” the commodore asked and sounded exactly like Devin thought an over-indulgent fathermight.
The woman snorted, “Only fat. The sloop I bought takes noeffort.”
Fat? She was anythingbut.
“You let her buy a ship?” The question was directed at the three men standing in the doorway and the tone was anything butindulgent.
“Oh stop, Papa.” She giggled. “How might they have stopped me? I wanted to buy it, so I did. It’s a fine ship, fast. I’m sure I’ll be able to—” Devin wondered if the man heard how she sounded exactly like he did. She wanted something; she’d have it. The commodore wanted something; he’d have it. Too bad the commodore didn’t also only want aship.
“Sell it back. You’ll have no need of it. I’ve other plans for you.” It was as close as sounding like an authority figure as Devin had heard. And it wasn’t in any way enough for thegirl.
“I won’t. And whatever plans you think, I won’t those either, especially if you think to send me back to school.” She stepped back on her own and folded her arms across her chest which only pushed the swell of those titshigher.