“What’s wrong with that? I mean, you’re the strongest woman I know. Whether Wes wants to swoop in and take care of you shouldn’t ever change that. And if his idea of swooping in and saving the day looks anything like the other night when the man fed you, ran you a bath, and tucked you in, then sign me up for some swooping. That’s downright decadent, right there. And none of it took away your independence. He cares for you. And he would take good care of you. That’s what a strong relationship looks like, in my opinion.”

“Yeah, but how can I take care of him? The man has everything.”

“He doesn’t have you. And all evidence points to that being what he wants. Don’t kid yourself, either, sister. You know as well as I do that caring for someone goes beyond finances.”

Holly stood and took their mugs to get refills. She was right. Caring for someone wasn’t always monetary. She and Holly had taken great care of one another over the past couple years. Holly being the one who encouraged her through rehab with her leg, both of them leaning on one another emotionally over the loss of their parents. Why was she so afraid to go for it with Wes?

“I can see smoke come out of your ears when you do that.” Franchesca’s voice made her jump. “You were so lost in thought I even scared you. What’s up with that?”

“She overthinks things,” Holly said as she laid their mugs full of steaming hot coffee on the table and took her seat once more.

“Boy, ain’t that the truth,” Franchesca agreed with Holly as she sat across from them.

“Hey now,” Noelle attempted a protest.

“You know it’s true. Own it.” Holly leaned across the table to grab a small cup of creamer. She poured a little into her coffee then did the same to Noelle’s.


“What are you overthinking this time?” Franchesca asked as she shrugged out of her coat.

“Why she isn’t at the very minute riding away on a white horse with her Prince Charming instead of staring out the window and chugging coffee with us.”

“Well, why aren’t you?”

Facing down her best friend and sister was beginning to feel more like facing a firing squad than friendly faces. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She honest to God had no answer. Why wasn’t she riding off into the sunset with Wes?

“Okay. Since you’re speechless over this whole thing, I’ll give you a minute while I go get some tea. But think on this while I’m gone: I have something to tell you that will make you sprint to that Bake-Off this afternoon, grab the man, and run before he has a chance to get away.”

With that, she walked to the counter, her flowing skirt swaying behind her with dramatic effect.

“Does she do that all the time?” Holly asked.

“What? The flare of the skirt or dropping a potential info bomb then going for tea while I wait on pins and needles to find out what she knows?”

“Both, I guess.”

“Yes. She does both all the time. It’s a gift, of sorts.”

Franchesca returned, settled into her seat again, and looked at them. “What?”

“What do you mean, what? When you left you said you had info that would make Noelle go running into Wes’s arms.”

“Oh! Right. That.” She waved one hand while the other held her tea, which she sipped, time not a factor for her, even though Noelle fought to keep her heart rate at a steady pace, as well as not throttle her so-called best friend.

“Well, my mom is part of this weekly bridge club. Says it helps keep her mind sharp. And I think it really does. I’ve thought of taking up the game myself…”

“Focus, Franchesca.”

“Right. Well, at her game yesterday, one of the ladies overheard her husband talking—he’s part of the Chamber of Commerce for Marietta—and he said that the deal with Spellman is off.”

Noelle’s battle to keep her heart rate steady failed. “What? Why?”

“I guess Daniel St. Claire got wind of what I told you, that Spellman had big plans to level buildings. He talked the director into a different location somewhere else and bought the buildings himself.”

“Why would he do that?” Noelle was grateful Holly asked the question since she couldn’t find the way to form a full sentence.

“My mom’s friend’s husband said that Daniel didn’t like Spellman doing something negative for Marietta. He wants this to be his home and to take care of it. Owning our building, as well as the others, means he can be a part of what businesses go in and which ones get to stay.” Her eyes twinkled over her mug as she took another sip of tea. “Looks like our new landlord is none other than the St. Claires.”