Page 82 of Seduced

TheFlying Dragondocked at the Island of Giudecca. Savage pointed across to the mystical city. “Venice lies there across the Grand Canal. The view from the Island of Giudecca surpasses all others. The Venetian Empire was built on the power of its sea trade. Its admirals, then its bankers, dominated the world hundreds of years ago.”

Savage was obviously going into the city tonight. “Don’t the soles of your feet itch to explore the hallowed ground?”

Tony smiled. “I think I’ll wait until morning.”

“Then take this gold. It speaks a universal language. If you need me I shall be at Casa Frolo. Good night, sweet prince, till it be morrow.”

Shortly after he departed Tony became aware that the crew was bristling with arms. Every sailor carried a pistol and a belt full of wicked-looking knives. She realized that the cargo they carried was worth a fortune. She knew without a doubt Savage had left orders to kill anyone foolish enough to board theFlying Dragon.

As the lights of Venice started to come on, one by one, an air of mystery fell over the city. Tony leaned against the rail, dreaming of all the sights she had seen in the last fortnight. Cleopatra’s galleons had sailed the Mediterranean’s azure waters, and here Greek heroes had met their destiny. Perhaps she, too, would meet her destiny. These ancient waters carried a legacy of the ages from the dawn of civilization. The names of the romantic ports rolled off the tongue like music. The scent of oranges, lemons, or almonds perfumed the very air. The Mediterranean had surely mesmerized her. Now Italy’s floating city lay at her feet and she was ready to explore its wonders and allow it to work its magic for her.

Tony searched about the hold until her eyes found the right size of box. It was made of cardboard, a little bigger than a hatbox, and held wigs. Back in her cabin she carefully removed the wigs and folded the gold tissue gown inside. Then she packed her bag with her freshly laundered male attire and set them at the cabin door ready for a quick getaway at dawn.

Tony undressed, knowing she would be asleep in minutes. It was amazing how a hammock lulled one to sleep, rather like a baby in a cradle. The gentle rocking of the ship at anchor produced a soothing motion that relaxed every muscle in her body.

As the sun climbed from the sea, Tony climbed from her hammock. She only took time to wash her face, pull on her clothes and a tiewig. She would wait until she was safely ashore before she broke her fast. As she left the ship carrying her bag and her precious box, she knew half the crew observed her departure. She felt their curious eyes upon her back, but did not turn around to acknowledge their stares.

Tony didn’t have to go far. A long line of gondolas waited at the Giudecca to ferry passengers across the grande dame of lagoons into the heart of Venice. The gondoliers all looked identical, garbed in black with wide-brimmed hats, leaning idly upon their long poles. Tony chose one at random, allowing the gondolier to take her bag but keeping a secure hold upon the box. Then she leaned back against the cheerful red cushions and drank in the early-morning scene as it glided past.

Piazza San Marco was filled with vendors. Tony bought crusty bread, soft cheese, and fruit, then sat upon some stone steps to breakfast, all the while gazing up at the gilded domes and Renaissance mosaics that surrounded the square. She only glanced down to share her roll with the strutting pigeons. Her gaze traveled reverently over St. Mark’s Basilica and the elegant Doges’ Palace. As she sat upon the steps, the ornate beauty of Venice unfolded overhead.

From her vantage point she saw what looked like a hotel and decided to look no farther. Outside the sign saidCASA DANIELI, inside all wore ornate Italian livery and powdered wigs. The floors were pale pink marble and gilded mirrors stretched up to Tintoretto ceilings. Tony took the golden key, murmuring one of the few Italian words in her vocabulary:“Grazia.”

From this moment on she would be Antonia! She felt excitement start to bubble up inside her as she gazed about the beautifully appointed chamber. It was high up on the fourth story and the first thing she did was fling back the curtains to let in the sunshine and the magnificent view of Venice.

She discovered a small, wrought-iron balcony and stepped out. All the buildings rose up four and five stories from the narrow canals and she saw many balconies just like her own. Most were decorated with streamers, ribbons, and flowers, both real and paper. People had already begun their preparations for the festivities of Carnival.

Tony reentered the room and gazed about. The furniture was ornate, lacquered white and gold. Above the tall bed, cherubs held sheer blue curtains that fell about the bed in draped splendor. The rich carpet was patterned blue and gold with a thick pile. Graceful torcheres with fluted glass candleholders stood on either side of the window. To the left stood an enormous Renaissance wardrobe with a long mirror on each of its three doors, and to the right sat a marble bath upon a pedestal. Water was piped from a cistern and the golden taps were swan’s heads. A stand held an array of soaps, oils, and thick blue towels embossed with golden swans.

Tony was torn between staying to bathe or exploring the shops in the piazzas. She finally decided the bath would have to wait, but before she left, she opened the box and shook out the delicate gold tissue gown and hung it carefully in the great wardrobe. Then she took her comb and brush from her bag and reached down to the bottom to retrieve the precious cosmetics she had “borrowed” from Lotus Blossom and set them upon the gilt-wood dressing table. She sighed with the bliss of it all. The chamber was a perfect setting for seduction.

Chapter 26

The women on the streets of Venice were extremely elegant creatures. They had a great sense of style, catered to by hundreds of shops, each specializing in its own unique goods. There was a shop that sold only velvets, one selling only glass beads, and another masks. Lingerie, stockings, gloves, fans, feathered and beaded hair ornaments, each had their own boutique. Perfumeries lured the coins from a lady’s purse as easily as the wig shops that carried every shade including lavender, flame, and even green. They also stocked every conceivable hue of hair powder.

Tony knew the moment she saw it in its crystal bowl that she must have the hair powder that resembled gold dust. At a lingerie shop she could not resist a pair of drawers made from the same gold tissue as her gown. They were completely sheer and wicked as sin. She probably would never be bold enough to wear them, but she handed over her coins without a protest.

The shops and squares of Venice were crowded with people buying items to complete their costumes for Carnival. Window displays caught the eye on every side, tempting customers with masks, disguises, dominoes, and fantastic headdresses made to transform you into a devil, a satire, an animal, or a prince.

As the hour advanced to midday, Antonia found her clothing was far too warm and restrictive. She purchased a simple white muslin dress and a leghorn hat, its brim scattered with white roses. When she arrived back at her Casa her arms were filled with feminine treasures, including slippers and finespun shifts and stockings.

Tony filled the marble bathtub almost to overflowing and indulged her body with a rich lather that smelled like fragrant freesia. She hummed all the while she lathered her hair, then, wrapped in a blue-and-gold towel, she sat in the sunshine on the balcony as it dried into a silken mass of dark curls.

She felt deliciously decadent as she donned a finespun shift and slipped on the white muslin dress. They were the first feminine garments she had worn in months and she whirled about, enjoying the feel of the delicate material against her skin. Heavens, she felt as light and free and happy as if she had been released from a cage.

In front of the gilded mirror she experimented with a little lip rouge for the first time in her life, then put her head on one side to gauge the effect. She couldn’t believe the transformation. No sign of the slim youth remained. She was a woman! The last time a mirror had reflected Antonia, she had been a girl. The red mouth and black curls made her green eyes appear enormous, and for the sheer pleasure of watching herself she fluttered her lashes to her cheeks, then slowly lifted them above green orbs that glittered like emeralds. Laughter escaped her and floated off through the window and across the lagoon.

Tony picked up her hat and fitted it on so that it partially concealed her features. Antonia knew exactly where she was bound. She was going to Casa Frolo to make certain Adam Savage was indeed staying there. Tomorrow night Carnival began and she must devise a plan for a meeting. The plan must be infallible. If the two did not connect it would be disastrous. She could wait no longer for a glimpse of him; she was starving!

Tony was surprised to find that the piazza was no longer crowded, then she recalled that it was siesta time. Most of the businesses closed for an interval in the warm languor of the afternoon. All she could do was window-shop, but she realized it was a most pleasant way to pass the time. She stopped to admire the exquisitely wrought flowers, birds, and butterflies of a paper shop. Tony crossed a picturesque bridge, then went down the water steps to speak to a gondolier.

“Casa Frolo?” Antonia inquired.

He nodded.“Si, donna.”He pointed across the wide lagoon. “Giudecca.”

She was pleased that the Grand Canal separated her and Savage. Her secret would be secure. Even in daylight the gondola ride was romantic. The gondolier sang snatches from an opera as he poled rhythmically, while overhead the sound of the churchbells floated in the warm air.

The gondola stopped at Fondamente delle Zitelle, only a few steps away from Casa Frolo. Antonia knew immediately that Savage had chosen this palazzo because of its magnificent view of Venice, which seemed to float and shimmer upon the misty lagoon.