Page 33 of Seduced

Harry scratched his head at the inconsistencies of the gentry. When he had brought up the subject of the leaky roof before, young Lord Lamb had told him to patch it.

At the next farm Tony found herself being eyed by the farmer’s daughters. Though both younger than she, they were quick witted. Her heart sank. She had often spoken to Mary and Lizzie and given them her clothes when she grew out of them. As soon as she opened her mouth Antonia thought she would be discovered. Mary gave her a provocative glance as if the two of them shared a secret. Antonia thought,She knows!Then relief swept over her as the girl said, “I’ll wait for ye behind the cowshed tonight, if ye’ve a fancy, m’lord.”

Tony was stunned. The girl was inviting her to an assignation. Lizzie was just as informal. “Yer sister won’t be needin’ her fancy dresses no more. Can we have ’um?”

What an avaricious little beast,thought Antonia. “Where’s your father?” she asked in a cool voice.

“In the cowshed … told us to keep out until cow’s calved.”

Tony dismounted. “Watch my horse,” she directed, then entered the low door of the cow byre.

“How do?” nodded Joe Bradley. “Can ye give me a hand, m’lord?”

Tony was startled, but knew she could not back off in horror at the sight of a cow calving.

“This un’s an owd bitch of a cow. Kicks like a bloody mule. If ye’ll just grab ’er hind leg and ’old it away.”

Tony stripped off her riding gloves and stuffed them in her pocket, then she took off her coat and approached the rear end of the cow. As she held the milk cow’s hind leg she saw with horror that cow manure was smeared across her riding breeches. She soon forgot about it, however as she watched the miracle of birth. The cow lowed, then a huge skin containing a calf was deposited into Joe’s hands. He quickly pulled the skin from the baby calf’s face and head so that it could breath, then rubbed down its wet, sticky skin with some hay.

Joe was grinning as he said, “Ye can put ‘er leg down now. Sorry ye got covered wi’ shit, sir.”

Tony glanced down at her breeches, bemused. “Shit’s supposed to be lucky isn’t it? We could use some, I think.”

“Aye, well, sorry fer yer trouble up at t’house.”

“I came to ask what was needed, but I can see for myself one of the walls is crumbling. I’ll see that it’s mended, Joe, and some new partitions put in. When was the last time this place was whitewashed?”

“I’ve ‘ad no whitewash fer two, three years.”

“I’ll get you some and some long-handled brushes.”

“Will ye help put it on t’walls?” Joe laughed.

“By God, I see where Lizzie gets her cheek. Don’t push your luck, Joe,” Tony said good naturedly.

On the ride back to the Hall she felt her spirits rising. For once she had accomplished something. It amazed her that everyone accepted her as Anthony. A casual attitude and a bit of coarse language, and all assumed she was a male.

On the way upstairs to change her riding breeches she encountered Mr. Burke. “I just helped deliver a calf,” she said proudly.

“Good for you, my lord.”

“Oh, by the way, do you know what James meant when he handed me a guinea and told me it was my winnings?”

“His father is a turf accountant. Anthony bet on the horses.”

“What a shocking waste of money!” Antonia declared.

“Spoken like a female,” chastized Mr. Burke.

“Oh! Well, in that case, give this guinea to James and tell him I want another that pays twenty to one.”

“That’s the ticket.” Mr. Burke winked, graciously ignoring the pungent odor she exuded.

As Tony pulled off her boots she wondered what Adam Savage’s reaction would be when Watson and Goldman presented him with the bills for the repairs to the farms. Then she shrugged. Worrying about every little thing was decidedly female. She would lose the habit, she decided firmly.

Chapter 12

The very first appointment Adam Savage made was with Watson and Goldman, attorneys at law. His friend Russell Lamb had recommended them to him. When he met both partners he shrewdly assessed their capabilities and decided to become their client.