“Mr. Prime Minister, Speaker of the House, Honorable Colleagues. First, it gives me a great deal of satisfaction to announce that the wives of the honorable members of this House have achieved something we have not. Both Whig and Tory wives have been able to set aside party differences in a worthy cause. Their generosity has astounded me. Their fundraising efforts have set a precedent. Subscriptions are pouring in for the establishment of London’s first foundling hospital. I propose the government support this project.” Savage stopped speaking. He raised his eyes to the gallery and bowed to the ladies. As one, they stood and applauded him. Tony found herself on her feet with the rest of them.
Below, the Speaker had to call for order before Savage could proceed.
“If I were to read the entire list of reforms I intend to propose, we would be here until doomsday, so I shall be as brief as possible. First I would like to introduce a bill to levy a house rate to pay for the paving and lighting of Westminster. Sanitation in the City of London is nothing short of appalling. Gentlemen, wake up and smell the raw sewage! Other cities will follow London’s lead and our town will be the envy of the Continent. A second bill proposes we establish a Society for Bettering the Conditions of the Poor. Dispensaries should be opened for the poor. If they are taught the rudiments of hygiene and cleanliness, I guarantee the incidence of typhus will drop.”
As Antonia watched him she felt the compelling magnetism he radiated. She saw that everyone present felt it also and her heart began to sing as she realized she was no longer jealous of these women.
“The policing of London is ineffectual. We presently have a hodgepodge of parish officers, beadles, watchmen, and street-keepers. They cannot bring law and order to one million people. I propose another bill to establish an effective police force of constables and marshals. When you walk the streets of London you risk life, limb, and property. Who among you hasn’t been robbed, who hasn’t been diddled by a lawyer or dodged a brick thrown by a rabble-rouser? Only last week a foreign ambassador’s coach was overturned. Mobs must not be allowed to gather or we shall find ourselves no better off than the French.”
This brought thunderous approval from the benches below. Antonia was startled to see that the honorable members of Parliament were banging their shoes on the tables.
“Few of you have much sympathy for prison reform.Let the criminals rotis the general consensus. But the entire system is rife with bribery and corruption. Slum dwellers go to jail, slum landlords go to the bank. The rich are pardoned, the poor are brutalized. Last week a boy of seven was publicly hanged for stealing a spoon.”
The House was unusually silent. Antonia felt a lump in her throat. Beside her, Lady Holland’s eyes filled with tears.
“You have been most generous to allow me so much time when we have a mountain of pressing business before the House, but my conscience would not rest easy if I didn’t touch on one last subject: child labor. The factories and mills have come to depend upon the labor of children as young as five or six who are forced to work up to fifteen hours a day. Gentlemen, that is all day and half the night. They don’t just fall asleep at their machines, they die standing at their looms. I expect this Parliament to pass an act that states no child under nine shall be employed and no child under fifteen shall work more than twelve hours a day.”
There was much dissenting on the floor, but the ladies of the gallery were on their feet applauding.
Tony picked up her skirts and hurried down the stairs that led from the Strangers’ Gallery. She did not know how long it would be before he emerged, but she wanted to be the first person he saw when the doors of the House were thrown open.
Chapter 40
“Adam, I had no idea,” Tony said softly as he walked toward her. Her face was absolutely radiant, filled with awe. The suspicion of a tear made her green eyes sparkle.
He took her hands in his. “Don’t bestow sainthood upon me, darling.” His dark head dipped to touch his mouth to hers, then he realized they had attracted a crowd. Young ladies did not allow gentlemen to kiss them in public places. “I want to take you to bed,” he murmured low. “Come to Half-Moon Street.”
Like one mesmerized she moved with him to his carriage. He closed the curtains against the curious stares of the crowd. He unfastened the ribbons of her leghorn and threw it on the seat opposite, then pulled her against him. “I must balance all this selflessness with a little wickedness.”
“Adam Savage, you are a fraud. You are not wicked at all, probably never were.”
He looked deeply into her eyes. “Ah, love, don’t delude yourself.” His eyes half-closed sensually. “I’m going to take you to bed and prove you wrong, several times.”
Tony’s heart was singing. Her instincts had been right about this man all along. She was deeply in love with him, knew she would never feel this way about another, knew she would love him forever. She was so proud of him, her heart felt it might burst with joy. He was noble, forthright, committed, and the most physically compelling man in London. She wanted him today, she wanted him tomorrow, she wanted him forever. He was all males rolled into one, father, guardian, friend, lover, husband—
Tony caught her breath and sobered. What if he didn’t want her for his wife? He must, he must, she was carrying his child! All she had to do was tell him. John Bull said Adam wanted children, that he intended to found a dynasty.
Today she had learned he had a deep concern for all children. His own child would be precious to him; the mother of his child would be cherished. And yet Antonia could not bring herself to reveal her secret. She laid her head upon his broad chest and closed her eyes. Beneath her cheek she felt his heart beating slowly, strongly, and she hoped that it beat only for her. She made a wish that there would never be room in his heart for another woman.
Adam raised her chin with his fingers so he could see her lovely face. He saw her silver tears. He sat up immediately and lifted her into his lap. “My sweetheart, whatever’s wrong?”
In the security of his embrace she almost blurted out her fears. He felt as solid as the rock of Gibraltar. All she needed to do was confess her problem and he would solve it immediately. She took a deep breath and heard herself say, “Nothing, I’m just so happy.”
Tony would be guided by her instinct. She was a woman, not a girl. Adam Savage was the sort of man who needed a woman. She wanted his love but she also wanted his respect. Even more important was her own self-respect.
Tony threaded her fingers through his long black hair, then whispered, “Your eyes are as blue as the Bay of Biscay.” She lifted her mouth for his kiss, knowing the passionate response these words always incited. She felt him harden beneath her. Even his thighs turned to marble. Nay, marble was cold. Rather, she felt she was sitting upon rock heated by molten lava.
His kiss was fierce, scalding. “I’m burning for you,” he growled.
She knew he spoke the truth. She felt the searing heat of his loins through her gown. Suddenly she couldn’t bear the separation of so many layers of material. She lifted her bottom, swept aside her skirts and petticoats, then sat back down upon him.
“Christ, you’re hotter than I am.” She was the most sexually responsive woman he had ever known. To respond instantly to one touch, one word, or even just one look was the most flattering and exciting thing a man could ever experience.
The carriage was slowing. “Can you wait till we go upstairs?” he whispered huskily.
“Can you?” she panted. His swollen bulge was pressing exquisitely into her cleft. Neither of them knew if they could hold on or if they would spill. They held their breaths as they alighted from the carriage, then slowly, stiffly, with great dignity entered Half-Moon Street. They nodded to the servants, solemnly greeted Jeffrey Sloane, then with careful, deliberate steps ascended the stairs.
The split second the bedchamber door closed, they whooped with laughter, flinging off their clothes with wild abandon. He lifted her high so that her mons was level with his mouth, then pretended to bite her. She screamed playfully, then moaned as he slid her body down his until she rested on his upthrust sex.