Page 92 of Seduced

“I’m fully erect, but all men have a refractory period after ejaculation before they can spend again.”

“How long is the interval?” she asked curiously.

“It varies from man to man. A few seconds for a boy … perhaps hours for an older man.”

“How long is your refractory period?” she asked, rubbing herself against his neck.

“Perhaps five minutes. About the same time it took you to become aroused again.”

“You devil! Do you know all my secrets?” she laughed.

Adam went down on his knees so she could dismount. She was about to dance out of his reach, but he was far too quick for her. He slipped to the rug and pulled her down into his lap, then he proceeded to kiss her very, very thoroughly. He didn’t leave off the kisses until her mouth was swollen, beestung, and completely slaked, then his mouth moved much lower to render her other lips swollen, beestung, and completely slaked.

She must have slept, for when she awoke they were entwined in the bed, her mouth against the strong column of his throat, his arms holding her a prisoner against his loins.

Adam had lain motionless, his mind in turmoil while she slumbered. He knew he desired this lovely young creature much more than the repressed woman who waited for him in Ceylon. He toyed with the idea of waking her and forcing her to tell him her name and circumstances. Surely his money could erase her difficulties and make it possible for them to be together.

Savage knew he wasn’t being fair. She was too young for him, too innocent. His sinister past would taint her. Best leave things as they were. A brief liaison that neither would soon forget was infinitely preferrable to ruining a young life. He sighed deeply for what might have been.

Antonia stirred and opened her eyes. Dawn had already painted the sky a blush-pink. His lips moved against her hair. “Don’t leave yet. Stay with me awhile.”

Her lips moved against his throat with a silent word. “Forever.”

When he sat up and swung his legs to the floor, she was the one to murmur a protest at the separation. She watched with possessive eyes as he stretched his lithe body and knifed his powerful hand through his hair. Then, naked, he walked out onto the balcony to greet the dawn. He looked down and waved to someone below.“Paisano! Amico!”Adam’s Italian was limited to a few indispensable words.

Antonia heard a burst of speech from below and was amazed that he stood conversing stark naked.


She realized he was asking for food!

He grabbed a basket, unfastened the curtain tassel, and lowered them over the balcony railing. Then he came back in for money and tossed down the coins. Whoever was below began to question him and he gave laughing answers. She understood the worddonnameant woman. They knew he had a woman in his chamber!

Laughter drifted up to her.“Quell’ animale.”They were calling him a wild animal. Their voices were filled with approval.

Suddenly Adam came back into the room. “He won’t let go of the food until he has seen you.”

Antonia gasped. Then she capitulated. It was far too late to become all prudish now. She slipped her arms through Adam’s shirtsleeves and ran out to his waiting arms. He kissed her good morning before his appreciative audience and Antonia quickly tucked the shirttail between her legs, knowing the man below could see her bare bum. He was a good sport.

“Bene! Bellissimo! Vai siete bella.”

“He says you are very beautiful,” Adam whispered, “and very naked.”

“Oh, you devil.” As she ran back to the bed all Adam could see were the glorious long legs. She sat cross-legged waiting for him. “What did you get?”

“Fruit, fresh-baked bread, and spicy Italian sausage.”

“Mmm. Ambrosia! Food for the gods! You may feed me.”

He cocked a dark eyebrow at her. “This food is mine. I paid for it.”

“I have no money. What will you take?”

“The shirt off your back will suffice.”

She slipped her arms from his sleeves and held the shirt out to him. He was delighted that she had no inhibiting false modesty. He set the basket between them. “Help yourself, my darling.”

She pretended to ponder her choice, then reached clear beneath the basket to possess his manhood. “I choose spicy Italian sausage.” The contents of the basket spilled across the bed as he grabbed for her.