Page 5 of Seduced

It took her perhaps thirty seconds to dissect him. Bernard Lamb was fashionably dressed, had pretty manners, and a handsome face. He was of an age with her grandson Anthony, yet he was worldly and far too smooth for one of such tender years. Roz summed him up with one word.Vulture.

She gave him a dazzling smile and said in a glacial voice, “I shall convey your condolences to Lord Lamb. He is in deepest mourning and not receiving callers.”

The butler came into the library, but Bernard was surprised that he did not offer the usual obligatory wine and wafers. Instead, Lady Randolph said, “Mr. Burke, would you show the young man to the door.”

Bernard Lamb seethed with humiliation and he instantly vowed revenge. The old strumpet thought she had dismissed him, but Bernard Lamb did not dismiss quite so easily, as she would one day learn. When all this was his, he would take particular pleasure in putting her belongings in the road.

The twins had no idea where Adam Savage was building his house, but they soon discovered everyone else in Gravesend knew exactly where Edenwood was located. The estate covered a thousand acres of wooded parkland beyond the town in the countryside. The property’s northern boundary was the River Thames.

In a spacious clearing rose a three-story neoclassical house, easily the most beautiful Antonia had ever seen. Workmen were everywhere, carpenters, masons, and painters labored under the direction of a man who carried what looked to be a set of plans.

The twins dismounted and Antonia strolled up to the man while Anthony tethered the horses.

“Please excuse our interruption. I understand this home is being built by Mr. Savage of Ceylon. He is our guardian and we are naturally curious. Would you mind if we had a look around?”

The man smiled at the beautiful young woman. “Not at all,” he said, then stared frankly as a youth who was her double joined them.

“Is that great building the stables?” the young man asked incredulously.

The man nodded. “Be my guest.”

Anthony strolled off in that direction and Antonia said, “How rude of me. I’m Antonia and that’s my twin, Lord Anthony Lamb.”

“How do you do, my lady. Permit me to introduce myself. James Wyatt, at your service.”

Antonia’s mouth fell open. “NottheJames Wyatt?” She gasped.

“James Wyatt, Architect,” he said, both pleased and surprised that such a beautiful young woman knew of him.

Antonia tried not to gush. “Mr. Wyatt, I can’t believe it. I’m such a great admirer of your work. I have yourBook of Architectureat home. You designed the Pantheon in the Oxford Road. Your central block linked to octagonal towers is a replica of the Tower of the Winds at Athens!”

He bowed. “I’m vastly flattered. What do you think of this house?”

“It’s magnificent. Mr. Savage must have perfect taste.”

“It isn’t his design, it’s mine. He bought the land and instructed me to build him a stately home that wouldaddbeauty to its setting rather than detract from it. Edenwood is an apt name, I think.”

“He instructed you to build whatever you fancied without regard to cost?” she exclaimed, then blushed at the rudeness of her question.

Wyatt only smiled. “This is a new design … a semicircular, bow-windowed bay rising through two stories in the south front. It forms a balcony or small terrace above from the master bedchamber. The west front has a simple Roman portico.”

“I quite agree with your theory that the main rooms should be in touch with the outside world by views through the windows and accessibility to the gardens through French doors opening onto the lawns. Will it have a conservatory?” she asked with enthusiasm.

“I’ll let you decide,” James Wyatt replied.

Her green eyes widened with pleasure. “Then, yes, by all means let’s bring the outside indoors.” She thought Mr. Savage must be rich beyond reason and have a very large family to need a home this size. When she commented on the need for so many rooms, Wyatt smiled at her innocence.

“It’s a power house. A house of the ruling class. Owning broad estates is power based on ownership of land. An estate this size will rule the county. During the last century the tenants and neighbors would fight for the owner; nowadays they will vote for him. Land leads to the peerage and establishment of a dynasty. It puts one in control of patronage and legislation.” She grasped everything he told her, so he continued.

“A stately home is an image-maker that projects an aura of power, glamor, mystery, and success. When a new man buys an estate, the kind of house he builds shows exactly what level of power he is aiming for.”

“Then I would conclude that Mr. Savage intends to rule the world.” Antonia laughed. “Tell me, Mr. Wyatt, what rooms make up a power house?”

James Wyatt was enjoying himself. It was rare to find a young lady with intelligence combined with humor. “Morning room, dining room, ballroom, smoking room, billiard room, library, card room, office, music room. The center of the house will have a top-lit staircase with reception rooms all the way around on the first floor. Each room could have a different color scheme or different style of decoration so that guests can climb the splendid staircase, make their way about the circle enjoying the various distractions provided for their entertainment, then make their way down the stairs and out.”

“Good heavens,” Antonia whispered, lost in the picture he had painted. Her eyes wandered over the entire property and the corners of her mouth went up as she said mockingly, “There must be a lake, of course, and a bathing pool, a chapel, a temple, and a folly.”

“I expect so, but that will be up to William Kent, who is designing the gardens.”