Page 145 of Seduced

Tony brushed her hand impatiently across her eyes. “Come and sit down, Mother.”

Eve fiddled with her silver bangles. “I’ve not exactly been the best mother in the world, but believe it or not I do love you, Antonia. When you were a little girl you were so pretty, so precocious, I was actually jealous of you. Twins, you know, have a knack for stealing everyone’s attention. You were Russell’s darling and he never tired of showing you off.”

“I admit I loved the limelight, but you were always the beauty of the family, Mother. I felt I could never live up to that. I’m so sorry I didn’t get to see Father again.”

“When your father died, Antonia, I turned to Adam Savage for financial aid, but when I told you we were going to be married I’m afraid that was just wishful thinking on my part. My hopes along with my vanity were quite shattered yesterday when Mr. Savage came to ask me for permission to marry you instead.”

Antonia searched her face. How much courage this must be taking.

“So, my dearest, if you accept his proposal I want you to be married from Government House. We’ll invite all the planters for miles around and I’ll be able to show off my beautiful daughter.”

Antonia smiled through her tears. “Thank you, Mother. That is so very generous of you, but Adam and I don’t need any of that. All we need is each other.”

Adam Savage stood grim faced as he looked down at what was left of the corpse. The giant leeches had drained every drop of blood from Bernard Lamb’s body. His lingering horror must have been unspeakable. An obscene death for an obscene man, Indian Savage thought with satisfaction. He would have the body buried where it lay in the jungle, not on any part of Leopard’s Leap.

Savage knew he must report the death to the family who waited back at the bungalow. A great weight had been lifted from his shoulders now that the twins’ lives were no longer in jeopardy, but his heart still felt heavy. He didn’t look forward to another confrontation with Tony, but he was prepared to use force if force was necessary. He tethered his horse to a post in the shade of the bungalow.

Antonia was sitting in his big chair on the verandah, watching for his return. He walked toward her slowly, drinking in her dark beauty. When she saw him coming, she stood up and took a tentative step toward him. Then suddenly they were in each other’s arms.

Tony began to sob and Adam enfolded her against his heart.

“Oh, Adam, I’m so sorry about Leopard’s Leap. I know how hard and long you labored over your tea groves. I know the pride and passion you feel for this place.”

“Hush, love, hush. The only thing that matters to me is that you are safe.” Incredibly it was true. His heart was singing. His senses were dizzy from her close proximity. “Leopard’s Leap hasn’t been destroyed. I’ll rebuild, replant.”

She pulled from his arms, looking into his face to see if he was just saying the words to comfort her. “Adam, is that really possible?”

“If you want something badly enough, nothing on earth can keep it from you.” He kissed the tears from her eyes, then he kissed her mouth, realizing he was starving for her. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

He took her by the hand, then lifted her before him into the saddle. Her arms clung to his powerful body as he pressed her close, urging the horse in the direction of the tea slopes.

When she saw the blackened devastation stretching acre after acre, it was worse than she had dreamed. But her eyes followed Adam’s finger as he pointed out things she hadn’t noticed. His lips, murmuring his plans, brushed her ear, sending a delicious shiver down her spine. His head bent over hers lovingly, sharing his thoughts and ideas. Already the workers were clearing the slopes of the blackened clumps of charred tea bushes.

The debris of the factory was being carried away. “We’ll build bigger and better,” he told her with enthusiasm. It was a good thing he had such boundless energy, he would need it.

“What about tea plants?” she asked softly, hearing his heart beating beneath her cheek.

“What? You think me so shortsighted I don’t have tea seedlings? I’ll show you tea seedlings!”

They rode at least two miles until they came to a banana grove. Adam pushed aside the wide, flat leaves and there, in the protective shade of the plantains, delicate tea plants thrust their green leaves through the rich soil.

She laughed happily, lifting her mouth for his kiss.

“I want you in my bed tonight. Shall we get married?”

“Yes, please,” Tony begged prettily, rubbing her ripe breasts against him until he groaned.

“Of course,” she whispered teasingly, “we won’t be able to make love until my wounds are healed.”

He traced her love-swollen mouth with the tip of his tongue. “Trust me to find a way … or two.”

They exchanged vows in the spacious living room of the bungalow. Anthony gave his twin into the very good care of the master of Leopard’s Leap. It was a most solemn occasion. Lady Antonia Lamb became Mrs. Adam Savage of Edenwood and the Marchioness of Blackwater.

Eve and Rosalind were both weeping, as became a mother and grandmother of the bride, and when Mr. Burke came forward to congratulate the groom, Tony saw the suspicion of a tear in his eye as well.

“Please don’t feel sad, Mr. Burke,” Tony admonished him.

“My dear, ’tis relief I feel. Savage is the poor devil who’ll be fetching the bucket for you from now on.”