Page 72 of Savage Kiss

“Good girl,” I tell her. “Time to get back to the party.”

“Can I get some clothes on first?” she asks, standing up slowly as I ease my cock out of her.

“You can have a dress but the clamps and the plug stay attached.”

She looks shocked but then she nods, a smile forming on her lips. “As you wish, Sir,” she says, blinking slowly.

“Now you’re getting it,” I tell her. “You behave for the rest of the evening and I’ll let you come again before bedtime.”

She kisses my cheek. “You promise?”

“Good girls get rewards. That’s my number one rule.”

“Then I guess I better be good.”

“One thing before we go,” I say, crossing to the door and unlocking it.


“I love you.”

She blinks in surprise, a smile spreading from ear to ear as she stares back at me. “I love you too.”



Three months later…

The flight isn’t the most comfortable I’ve ever been on. I’m glad when it finally comes in to land.

Leo is waiting for me at a door I didn’t even know airports had. The minute we’re off the plane, the pilot comes to me and takes me away from the other fliers, asking how my journey was.

“Fine,” I tell him, still feeling uncomfortable. It’s worse when I walk than when I’m sat down. Gravity is working hard to make me feel what’s wrong but I refuse to react.

“Good. Well, here’s Don Barone.” He nods toward Leo before backing away down the corridor.

Leo pushes a door open as I walk up to him. “This way,” he says, taking me straight back outside to the waiting helicopter. “Did you do as I said?” he asks as we climb into the back.

“Of course,” I reply. “I always obey my husband.”

“Good to know.” He slips his hand into mine. “Let’s go.”

We set off, lifting into the air a few seconds later.

“Did you hear about my family?” I ask.

“I heard they moved away,” Leo says as the airport shrinks below us. “Apparently going to try their luck in Vegas while they wait for the trial.”

“Odd to think my father might go to prison for drunk driving ten years ago and not all the things he’s done since then.”

“Capone got done for tax evasion. You never can tell what will get you caught.”

“Not worried you might end up inside?”

“That will not happen.”

He sounds so certain, I can’t help but be impressed. But then how likely is it? He’s got half the judges and most of the police in the city in his pocket. His empire now ripples out across the State and out into the ocean. We’re running cruises along the shore now. Can you believe that?