Page 69 of Savage Kiss

“I just wanted to say sorry again for tricking you like that. I couldn’t risk shooting Amato where we were. He would have had snipers nearby and I’d have been wiped out before I could line up the shot.”

“You’ve said sorry enough times, Sergio. Please stop.”

He nods, turning to look at me. “Have I said it too much?”

“Maybe. Go drink. That’s an order.”

Sergio turns and heads back to the party.

“I got an offer for a dig in Canada,” Anna tells me once he’s gone. “I’d be gone a couple of months if I take it up.”

“Do you want to do it?”

“I thought you made all my decisions for me.”

“Not all of them. You can still have a career, Anna. I’m not a monster.”

“Could have fooled me.” She sticks her tongue out at me and giggles. “I thought you were a real asshole when you first brought me here.”

“I was but that’s cursing.”

“Asshole counts as cursing?”

“Get upstairs. There’s something I need to do to you.”

“Sounds worrying.”

“You’ll see.”

We haven’t fucked since we got back. I’ve been busy recovering from my injuries and she’s been getting over the whole kidnapping near death experience thing.

I follow her upstairs, watching the shape of her ass change as she takes each step. I want to be in there. I’ve waited long enough.

“Where are we going?” she asks when she gets to the top of the stairs.

“My room,” I tell her, marching ahead of her.

When I get inside, I stand by the bed, pointing at the spot I want her to stand.

She obeys at once, glancing at everything I’ve got laid out at the bed. “Don’t move,” I tell her, lowering a silk blindfold over her eyes. “Keep perfectly still.”

I pick up the shears and slice straight down the back of her dress, sending the two halves off to the sides, revealing her perfect naked body underneath. All she’s got left on are her heels and that suits me just fine.

I pick up the spreader bar from the bed. “Arms up,” I tell her.

She does as she’s told. I attach the spreader bar to her wrists, letting it rest on her shoulders, her chest sticking out further than before.

Picking up the nipple clamps, I attach them next, stepping back to admire how they look on her. “Feel good?” I ask.

“Tight,” she replies.

“Too much?”

“No, just right.”

“Good. Remember the safe word is there if you need it.”

“I remember.”