Page 5 of Savage Kiss

I blink and I’m back in time. Antonio is screaming next to me, his arms and legs broken by the impact. Mother stuck in the front, her safety belt stuck. The flames getting closer, burning my stomach. Father getting Beatrice out of the car, wrapping her in his coat to douse the flames licking up her body.

I’ve got seconds to choose who to save. Mom shouting at me, “Take him, take him, Leo. Save your brother. Leave me. Save him.”

I blink again, and the vision’s gone. Paolo is still pleading with me. “I can’t raise that kind of money that quickly. Please, Don Barone. Let’s discuss this like civilized men.”

“You will see how civilized I am in two days’ time if you do not have my money.”

I hang up the phone, taking in a deep breath and then letting it out slowly. “You sounded like a true Don,” Bea says.

She leans down and fusses Barb who’s curled up happily by the side of her chair. “I can see why father was happy to go. You are clearly ready to take over.”

“What? Because I threatened Caruso?”

“Because you were not swayed by his begging. Feels good, doesn’t it, putting the frighteners on him?”

“He said his money’s tied up in some deal with Amato. Can’t get it for a week. Wanted more time.”

“How come you didn’t mention Anna?”

I manage a smile. “He’ll spend the next two days in a blind panic, calling everyone he knows, begging for help that won’t come. Might even try to call up Amato, try to get some back. Meanwhile, I go collect her.”

“What if he manages to borrow enough? It’s possible, you know.”

“I keep her anyway to make up for the insult of them robbing us.”

“So you are going to marry her?”

“You’re right. What choice do I have? I’m not losing this place and I’m not letting Paolo get away with it any longer. It’s time to make him suffer like we suffered. Make him feel the pain of losing a loved one, like we did.”

She fusses Barb again. “Remember when this furball ate all that cheesecake just after Mom made it?”

“Threw up all over the Persian rug in the billiard room.”

“Dad yelling, ‘That damned dog. It’ll have to go.’”

“Mom telling him she’d sooner get rid of him than the dog.” She laughs but it fades like a dying fire. “Where’d the years go, Leo?”

“Nowhere. They’re all still in here.” I tap the side of my head. “You better get going. There’s a storm on the way this morning.”

She glances out the window. “Keep me informed, won’t you?”

“You itching for a wedding invitation?”

She gets to her feet. “Coming with me, Barb, or staying with this asshole?”

Barb stays where she is, snoring lightly.

“I get the hint,” Bea says. “Prefer this misanthrope to me. That’s just fine.” She hugs me and then heads outside.

I watch her go from the front door. Once the helicopter is out of sight, I go back inside. I pick up the file and flick through it, settling on the photo of Anna. That face. Those innocent eyes. So full of life. So happy.

Not for long, I think. She’s forcing me to leave the island, making me return to the mainland for the first time in years.

I’ve got to marry her to keep this memorial to the past. To before Paolo Caruso fucked up our family, killing my mother and my baby brother.

I get the feeling that once I get revenge, the nightmares will stop. I’ll finally find some peace.

My father refused to let me simply kill Paolo, knew the Commission would execute me in turn, told me revenge is better served cold. He kept telling me he had a plan, though he never said what it was. Told me I’d know when the time is right.