Page 28 of Savage Kiss

“No back-chat, Anna. I mean it.”

“Or what?”

I lean to her, lowering my voice to a rumble. “You want to do it with your clothes ripped to shreds on the floor? Want to do this with my hand slapping down on your ass the entire time? Or maybe with a spreader bar keeping your naked legs apart so everyone can see your pussy and a plug sticking out of your ass? Is that what you want, Anna?”

Her eyes widen. There’s fear there but I’m surprised to note there’s also something else. “No, Sir,” she says quietly and the Sir gets my cock twitching.

“Good girl,” I say. “Let’s get this done.”

We reach the ballroom. The priest looks terrified, his hands shaking as we approach him, all the color gone from his cheeks.

Imogen and Jessica stand to one side next to Sergio, watching in silence as I lead Anna forward. Barb sits with them, head cocked.

Anna looks at the priest and then at me. “What did he say to you?” she asks him, seeing the terror in his eyes.

He ignores her question. “We’re gathered here today in the sight of God and these witnesses to observe the union of these two people. Leonardo Barone and Anna Caruso are coming together in sight of God to form a union that no man may rent asunder. Before I begin, I’m required to ask if anyone here has any objections to this union.”

I look at Anna. Is she going to speak up? Fight this? Refuse to marry me? Force me to carry out the threats I just made. My cock twitches again at the thought of bringing her back in naked, a plug sticking out of her tight little asshole. I almost want her to protest, give me an excuse to humiliate her in front of my staff.

She says nothing. She looks at the floor, shuffling in place like she needs the toilet.

The priest continues. “The legal ceremony of marriage within the famiglia laws as written by the five families of Chicago requires me to ask whether you, Anna Caruso, agree to take this man to be your lawful wedded husband.”

She looks at me and something passes between us. It’s so intense I don’t know what to do with it. A secret shared only between us. What does it even mean?

“I do,” she says a moment later. She sounds full of doubt and fear but she said it. There’s no taking it back now.

“Do you agree to obey and honor him in all things for the rest of your life?”

“I do.”

“Leonardo Barone, do you agree to take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?”

I stand up tall, getting the strangest feeling I will come to regret what I’m about to say.

No weakness. Be strong.

“I do.”

“And do you agree to protect and honor her in all things for the rest of your life?”

“I do.”

“Then, by the power vested in me by the Holy Church, the Commission, and the five families, I pronounce you both man and wife.”

“No rings?” Anna asks, frowning at the priest.

“Oh, shit,” he mutters. “I forgot that part.” He looks at me in terror. “Please, Don Barone. Please, don’t kill me.”

“Is it legal?” I ask.

“Sure. You don’t need rings for it to count as legal. You’re married now in the eyes of the law.”

“What about in the eyes of the Commission?”

“Definitely. I’ve got the form in my bag. You both sign them and the witnesses sign the bottom. I take that back with me and you’re good. Congratulations.”

We all sign the form. When that’s done, Freddy places it back in his bag, then gives me a nod.