Page 26 of Savage Kiss

Or is there something else at play here, something bigger?

I hate how I feel when I spank her. I hate the closeness, the secret intimacy shared between the two of us, the way she submits, the way she moves her body, even the way her ass reacts to the blows. All those things add up to an intensity I don’t like.

I’m supposed to be in control here. I’m supposed to making her need me, not the other way around.

That was why I loaded the video clip once again. A reminder of what happens when I let my guard down and get too close to someone.

It was my fault me and Giuseppe got caught back then. I followed that girl right into the trap. I never even found out her name. One more hooker hired by Don Caruso to reel in the suckers.

When Anna appeared at the study window, I was furious. How dare she interrupt my thoughts? How dare she reach into my private world like this?

I thought I had time to get my head together. I saw her heading down to the beach. It didn’t occur to me that she’d be back so quickly. When I saw her heading away, I knew I had to do something. A sensation had bubbled up inside me that I didn’t like.

It was warmth. A warm feeling toward her, almost affection. Empathy? Whatever it was, I don’t want it. I don’t need it. That way lies weakness and look what weakness does.

I stare at the screen. Watch as the life is taken from my cousin. His screams reach into me from across the years, remind me to be strong. To stay strong. Never be weak. Never show weakness. Never let down your guard.

I shut off the screen. I will not be weak again. I will go find her and lay down the rules, make sure she knows what’s what.

I walk from the study to the kitchen, getting one of the kitchen girls to make me a coffee. I find the priest in there, flirting with them. Thirty years older than them and apparently unaware of the fact they aren’t hookers. He’s got his arm around Jessica.

From the look on Imogen’s face, I’d guess he’s already tried it on with her.

He turns when he sees me, grinning broadly. “You got a good set up here, Don Barone. Lots of space. Just you and the ladies, am I right?”

I keep my face cold. “You’re about to conduct a wedding ceremony, Freddy, or had you forgotten?”

His smile fades but only a little. “Come on, we all know what it’s like in the families.”

I raise an eyebrow as a double espresso is placed in front of me. “What’s it like?”

His smile weakens further. “You know? Men sleep around, right? It’s a fact of life, yeah?”

I pick up the coffee cup, pouring the contents straight down my throat. It tastes as bitter as I feel. “I don’t know what you think of marriage vows, Freddy. I consider them sacred.”

He coughs. “Sure, sure. I’m sorry. I just meant that…” He trails off, his eyes looking everywhere but at me.

I walk up to him, towering over him. “Listen to me. You are here to make sure the marriage between me and Anna is legal. You are not here to try and fuck my staff. They’re younger than your kids for fuck’s sake. Now go through to the ballroom and get ready. I hear you lay a finger on anyone else while you’re here, I won’t let you leave the island again. I’ll keep you downstairs. You left or right handed?”

“Right handed, why?” I can sense the fear in his voice.

“Then you’ll have to learn to jerk off with your left because I’ll cut the right one off. You think I won’t? Just try me.”

“Okay, okay. Cool it. I was just talking shit, that’s all.”

“I’m not my father, Freddy.”

“I can see that.”

“I don’t care what you got away with under his regime. With me, you do what you’re fucking told and you stay away from my people. They don’t want you around anymore than I do. You serve a purpose and while you do, you’re safe. Once your use to me ends, you could too, so bear that in mind when you’re thinking who to try and touch up in my fucking kitchen.”

I walk over to Imogen and Jessica who are silently standing together in the corner of the kitchen. “He comes near you again, you tell me at once, got it?”

They both nod and agree. “Thank you, Don Barone,” Jessica adds.

“Come on,” I say to Freddy. “Get moving. I want to be married within an hour. You fuck this up, and I’ll deal with you myself.”

He scurries out of the kitchen. “Did he touch either of you?” I ask the two girls once he’s gone.