Page 22 of Savage Kiss

I won’t do it. She’s the enemy. She’s a means to an ends. Not only that, but I have a plan here. I get her dependent on me. The only way to do that is to ease her into craving me, show her how good it can be to submit, make her crave the rules, the boundaries, make her want to please me.

“No more cursing,” I say, taking hold of the waistband of her panties, sliding them down to her hips.

My cock, already hard, is now throbbing painfully at the sight of those flawless buttocks. I want to spread them, push a plug into her, make her walk around with it inside for an hour or two, really punish her for what she’s done.

Not yet. There’ll be time for that later. This is about showing her that I’m in charge here, not her.

“Hold still,” I tell her, raising my hand into the air.

She could fight me. She could get up and run. She could claw my eyes out. I pause for a moment. Is it fear holding her in place?

I bring my hand down onto her right buttock with a satisfying smacking sound. I raise it again as she gasps, shifting her legs, trying to get away from the pain.

I spank her a second time, then a third. This time I pause, holding my hand in the air, waiting to see what she does.

She’s moving again, her breathing ragged, her shoulders stiff.

I notice something that makes me smile as her legs shift apart and then back together. There’s a wetness down there. It’s unmistakable. The scent of her arousal reaches my nostrils a moment later. She might be fighting this but it’s not me she’s fighting. It’s herself. She doesn’t want to want this. She’s throbbing with need as much as me. She hates herself for it but there’s no denying it. She wants to be dominated. Wants to be punished.

The battle is already half won. Soon she’ll come to crave my spankings, knowing what they mean, the private intimacy we share. That’s when I can break her whenever I want, ruin her life completely.

I realize I’m still doing nothing. My cock is brushing her stomach as she shifts again. I get the slightest hint of what’s hiding between her legs.

I turn my gaze to her ass, looking at the red mark from where my hand hit. I need to stop now or I’ll no longer be able to resist her. Already I want to pull out my cock, push her face down onto it.

“Stand up,” I tell her.

She is on her feet in an instant, yanking her panties back up her ass, tugging her dress into place.

“Curse again and it’ll be with the crop and you’ll be naked.”

“Why are you doing this to me?” she asks, staring back at me, her face as red as her buttocks looked just now.

“Because you need to learn to behave and you need to know what it will be like when we’re married. I will have order in this house, Anna. Order and discipline. You will behave. You will do what you’re told.”

“I hate you,” she snaps, the words coming out of her like flaming arrows, heading straight for my chest. “I will never marry you.”

“You will marry me tomorrow and you will do so willingly or I will take my belt to you in front of every member of my staff. Think about that, Anna. Think about what you really want to happen tomorrow. And while you’re thinking, remember that good girls get rewards.”

I get to my feet, not caring how visible my erection is. I walk straight past her without another word, closing the door as I leave. I don’t stop moving until I’m locked in my bedroom. I unzip my pants and pull out my cock, squeezing the shaft to ease the throbbing pain that refuses to go away.

She’s in her room right now, her ass stinging, her pussy wet. She wants me to come back, wants me to overrule her timidity, tell her it’s all right to want this. She wants me to take charge of her desire.

I won’t do it until we’re married. I won’t do it until she obeys me every time without question.

I lay on the bed and grab a box of tissues, jerking off quickly, my eyes closed. I think of her, of the way her ass felt under my hand, the way her pussy glistened when I caught a glimpse of it while spanking her.

It takes me no time at all to come and when I do, it’s to the thought of her writhing under my body, my cock above her, spraying her body, marking her, humiliating her, showing her that she’s mine and I can do whatever I want to her.


Tomorrow, she’ll be my wife. Then she will have no choice but to honor and obey.



I can hear him in his study. He’s talking on the phone to someone about the most terminally dull stuff. Some kind of business acquisition. The conversation seems to revolve around percentage points and profit margins. None of it means anything to me.