Page 14 of Savage Kiss

She’ll go to the tailor, and then the doctor will examine her. After that, she’ll be so overwhelmed by the memories of what we just did that she’ll run. I’ve no doubt about it.

She’ll run from her feelings, from the way the spanking created a shared moment of intimacy between us, something that is unique to us, right now.

She felt it, same as me. The moment she bent over the desk and I slid her hideous jeans down to her knees, I felt it. I know she did. I could tell by her breathing.

I could have fucked her in that moment. Hell, my cock was hard enough.

But that isn’t what this is about. It’s not about base pleasures. It’s about revenge. It’s about making her fall for me, making her love me, need me, want me like a drug. I want her addicted to me. That will make it all the sweeter when I discard her. She’ll spend the rest of her life pining for me. It will destroy her. That knowledge will destroy her father. I will have the revenge I’ve wanted all these years. I will be free.

Her panties slipped down a little when I lowered her jeans. Cotton panties, oversized, not right for a woman as beautiful as her. I’ll have her wardrobe updated soon enough. The next spanking will be with her in a thong so I can see that ass properly, see the way she gets marked by my hand.

This is all about marking her, making her see that she is mine. My rules are all that matter.

Just as well, because she’s made to be ruled.

She wants to be told what to do, she wants me to dominate her. She just doesn’t realize it yet.

The intensity of it frightened her, though, that much was obvious.

It got to me, too.

Ever since the crash, I’ve been frozen inside. Nothing gets to me anymore. Except what just happened. The feelings that took over my mind when I spanked her freaked me the fuck out. In that moment I never wanted anyone so much in my life. Someone willingly submitting to me, bent over my desk, taking her spanking like a good girl.

I know she’ll run but she won’t get far. As for me, I need to get the lust out of my system, stop thinking about fucking her. I’ve already told her I won’t do it. I’m many things but I do not go back on my word.

This is about making her want me, not about sex. It’s about getting revenge, about keeping my home, not about fucking my worst enemy.

She’s a Caruso. She’s one of them, estranged or not. She’s part of that family. All she is to me is a means to an ends.

I was doing it to punish her. My cock getting hard was not part of the plan. The way that tight looking ass of hers made me feel was not part of the plan. Nor was the sight of the top of her pussy when she yanked her panties back up her hips, that hint of what lay down there. She waxes.

I know that now. Information I can’t forget. Smooth skin, perfect for a tongue to slide over.

I grip the nearest hold on the rock, hoisting myself up into the air, free-climbing until I’m thirty feet off the ground. My arms are starting to ache, my fingers slippery. I haven’t chalked them and it’s a long way back to the ground. To my left is the overhang and to my right an almost sheer section that I’ve only attempted a couple of times.

As my hand slips looser, I push off the rock, leaping left, landing on the one crack with enough room for my hand to get a grip. My feet skid for a moment but then I’m on tight, moving my weight, looking for the next hold.

I’m about to jump again when I hear a voice from the ground. “Jack. She did it.”

That’s Sergio’s voice. That means she’s already out on the water. That means I have nowhere near as much time as I thought.

I glance down. He’s still got his gardening gloves on, pruning shears in his left hand, pipe in his right. Smoke drifts up from it, disappearing on the breeze. Looks out of breath. I’m guessing he’s come straight from the beach, hoping to find me in the house. I should have messaged him, told him I was out here.

Barb sits beside him, head cocked to one side.

“Shit.” I slide downward, jumping from hold to hold as quickly as I can move, getting to the ground in record time. “Gone already?” I glance at my watch. “Was she done with the tailor that quick?”

“Never went to him. Came straight down to the cove from your study, ran like she had the bats of hell after her.”

“And what did you tell her?”

“Exactly what you told me to. Told her it was a bad idea, warned her she’d be in trouble if she took the boat.”

“And she took it anyway?”

“Wouldn’t listen to a word I said, just kept saying she had to get out of here. Got in and started the engine.”

“How long, do you think?”