Page 20 of Not My Billionaire

I suppose she’s right. The least I can do is have a conversation with James after everything that’s happened. Even if he turns out to be a jerk, it’ll give me a chance to clear my conscience.

Chapter Fourteen


Hector is in my penthouse, inspecting everything he can. “This place is dope,” he says, excitement filling his voice. “I can’t believe our crime boss was actually our legit boss!”

At least someone isn’t upset with me. Based on Alexis’ response to my true identity, I’d expected Hector to react in a similar vein. Instead, he’s all over the place.

“And that was you at the restaurant, right? Bought everyone’s food?”

I nod, although his question seems mostly rhetorical. My heart is pounding out of my chest, still terrified of the rejection that could be coming.

“Awe, you really love spending time with me,” he says, coming over and tossing an arm around my shoulders. After a pause, his eyes widen. “Or you really love spending time with Alexis.” He sings her name in the same way a teasing child would, and I feel my face heating up.

He pulls away. “You really do like her, don’t you?”

I frown. “I do, but I think I messed it up.”

He pulls me over to the balcony, gesturing for me to sit in one of the lounge chairs.

“Talk to me,” he says, sitting on the side of his own chair and resting his elbows on his knees. His hands are pressed together, and he leans forward, brows rising in concern. I usually see the silly, fun side of Hector, and I think this is my first glimpse into his serious side.

I shake my head, not to refuse, but to clear my thoughts. “It’s only been a week. There’s no reason for me to be feeling this way.” That’s what Tyler told me over the phone when I called him for advice last night. I shouldn’t be so torn up about a girl I barely know.

Hector frowns. “James, time is meaningless. If there’s a connection there, then you at least owe it to yourself to find out what it’s all about. Maybe you’re meant to be, maybe you’re not, but right now, your feelings are real.”

His advice is miles away from everything Tyler told me. I wish I had someone else to go to, someone who could tell me who to listen to, but it’s not like I can call up my parents right now and ask for help with my love life. I have myself and these two friends who are giving me totally conflicting advice. I could ask Camilla, but going to her for advice on my love life seems inappropriate.

“If she’ll talk to me, I’d love to try,” I finally admit. Even though he was teasing me earlier, I don’t think he would actually make fun of me when it comes to something real. That’s the type of friend Tyler is, but Hector is different.

He smiles, then puts a hand on my shoulder. “Good. The most important step is the first one.”

At that moment, my phone buzzes with a text. I expect it to be Camilla again. She’s been begging me to return to Miami, to my private estate with round-the-clock security where I can hide out safely for a while.

Can we talk?The name on my screen isAlexis.

My mouth pops open, and I show the phone to Hector. He laughs. “Told you, man. Whatever’s going on, it’s not just in your head. She likes you, too.”

I send a message back, letting her know the elevator code that will allow her into the penthouse. I don’t want to invade her space, so inviting her up here seems like the best option.

When I turn to talk to Hector again, he’s gone, the elevator doors closing behind him.



My hands tap nervously against the cardboard to-go boxes. After a lot of prodding from Tammy, I ordered food from the restaurant where I first ate with James. He ordered the same thing there as at the Shark Shack, which must mean he’s a man of habit. Before I could give the front desk my credit card number, they charged it to the room. Despite the fact that James can definitely afford thirty dollars in food, I cringed.

A hotel employee I’ve never met brought the food up to me, and now I’m waiting for the elevator to arrive at the penthouse. For one floor, it seems to be taking an eternity.

When it dings, I take a deep breath. James is standing ten feet in front of me, dressed in a full suit despite the fact that we’re just hanging out in his hotel room. I glance around.Rooms. This place takes up the whole floor, and I have to take a deep breath. Why am I so intimidated by him all of a sudden? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that, in a designer suit, he actually looks like the famous billionaire he is. He’s no longer James from work, but James Preston.

“I brought lunch,” I say. Then, as a joke, I add, “Shrimp burgers with extra lobster and oysters on the side.”

His shoulders go from tense to relaxed, and he gives a little laugh under his breath. I pass him the box with his burger, and he says, “Would you like to eat on the balcony? It’s a lovely day out.” His words are formal and stilted, and I nod. I feel like I’m supposed to be wearing an evening gown instead of shorts and a t-shirt, but he doesn’t say anything about my appearance.

The balcony takes my breath away. The rail is all glass, or probably acrylic, so the view isn’t even slightly obstructed. We’re facing the ocean just like my room, but there’s something about the open air that makes it feel so much more real. The salt-scented air brushes my face in a gentle caress, and it almost feels like I’m floating.