Page 24 of Not My Billionaire

I sit in the booth beside the helm once again, and my eyes can’t seem to stay open despite the loudness of the engine. I hardly even notice when we dock, so tempted to curl up and sleep in this booth so I don’t have to put in the effort of walking.

My eyes snap open when James scoops me into his arms, carrying me off the boat and toward the car. I place a hand on his cheek, and he stops under a lamp and looks at me, his features stark in the streetlights of the parking lot.

“I like you so much,” I mumble.

He smiles, amused at my exhaustion-slurred words. He doesn’t make fun of me, though, only replying, “I likeyouso much.”

My eyes flutter shut when he leans down to give me a soft peck on the lips, and a flash of light goes off though the darkness. He frowns and pulls away, and I look toward the sky. Is it about to rain? I don’t see any clouds, but I also don’t see the stars here in the city.

“I should get you home,” he says, helping me into his car.

His good mood appears to be gone now that we’re driving toward my apartment, and I wonder if I did something to upset him somehow. Maybe it’s the weather putting him in a bad mood? Sure enough, drops of rain sprinkle on the windshield, slow at first before rapidly turning into a torrential downpour.

When he pulls into the lot, his headlights illuminating the bullet-like drops, I watch him. His eyes are illuminated with a strip of light like a character in a noir film, but other than that, I can’t read his expression as his hands remain tight on the wheel.

“What is it?” I ask, reaching over and putting a hand on the sleeve of his button-up.

He doesn’t turn toward me, but I can see him considering my question.

“Paparazzi,” he says, glancing in the rear view mirror. That’s when I notice that there’s another car running in the lot, its headlights the very thing illuminating James’ eyes.

My heart stutters, and nausea rolls through me. Someone followed us to my place? And now that person is waiting here?

“What do we do?” I breathe, fear taking control of my voice.

James grits his teeth so hard that I can see the outline of his jaw better against his throat. “Is there anything in there you need?”

Tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I only just got to return home. I’ve just found some semblance of normal. That’s when I well and truly understand what he meant before about my life changing. This is going to be my new normal. I’ll never know a moment of peace. Even when I’m being left alone, I’ll always have my defenses up. I’ll always be waiting for someone to appear out of the shadows and steal all sense of security.

I shake my head. “It’s fine.”

He watches me, and I turn my face away so he can’t see the tears as they fall down my cheeks. After a few long moments, he pulls out of the parking lot, taking me back to the resort. I knew that life with a billionaire boyfriend wouldn’t be easy, but I also didn’t realize I would become a prisoner to the world.

Chapter Seventeen


I don’t know how I’m supposed to fix this for Alexis. Someone must have spotted me going to her apartment or the boat or something. I’m used to being followed, but I saw the tears streaming down her face. Alexis isn’t equipped to handle this type of situation.

I drop her off at her room that I kept booked for her, and she doesn’t even say goodnight. We had an incredible date, growing closer from the experience, but it was all ruined with the simple flash of a camera.

When I get back to my suite, Camilla is waiting for me, sitting on my sofa and drinking a glass of wine. I’m not sure where she got it, as I don’t keep alcohol around, but she glances up at me, regret written on her features. “How is she?” Camilla asks, grimacing.

I shake my head, the anger that’s been threatening to boil over finally coming to a head. “I don’t think she can handle this, Camilla,” I admit. “She’s gonna run, I know it. She doesn’t want this, any of this. I’m just her boyfriend, some guy she’s been seeing for a couple weeks, and I’ve already hurt her without doing anything.”

I run my hands through my hair, all traces of happiness and contentment from the night gone. This could be the end of us, after all. I just got my hands on something good, and it’s been ruined just like everything always is.

Camilla stands and walks over to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. “It’s not over. You just need to help her through. I’ve already called our security team, and they’re sending someone out in the morning.”

I take a deep breath. Right. Camilla knows what she’s doing more than anyone. She’ll have a solution for all this. I check the time on my watch. It’s past midnight, and I want to text Alexis and find out if she’s okay, but I know that will only make things worse. I’ll give her some space, wait until morning. Knowing that she has a bodyguard keeping an eye on everything around her is sure to make her feel better.


Well, that went down like a lead balloon. I lean on my balcony, the acrylic digging into my forearms and holding me in the moment. The moment Alexis opened the door, and I explained the situation, she gritted her teeth and slammed it right in my face. That was ten minutes ago, but I don’t know what else I was supposed to do.

My brain goes into overdrive, readying itself for damage control. I have to make this up to her. All of it, especially the fact that I ruined her life. So long as we’re together, she’ll never know a moment’s peace. I don’t know if I can give her up, though, which means I’ll have to figure out how I can ensure her happiness given the current circumstances.

First, I order flowers. That’s a great way to tell her I know I messed up. Really, it’s a tradition in theI’m a man who did something wrongindustry. Then, I ask Tyler for advice. He’s always been great for business advice, and he’s also more savvy with women. He texts me a few suggestions, and I decide to go ahead and do them all.