And I can’t blame him.

He owes me no loyalty, therefore, I do not owe him the truth.

Plus, the truth feels like a sucker punch to the gut.

I let my family be taken. I allowed myself to become complacent, and now my family is paying the price. It is a shame I’ve never felt before, and I’m not keen to share it with anyone else.

“It is never too early to spice things up,” I joke, acid rising in the back of my throat with every word. Then, I reach into my pocket. “I assume this information isn’t free. What is your going rate right now?”

He waves away my wallet, and I’m momentarily stunned, thinking he is refusing payment. Then, he wrinkles his nose. “I don’t deal in cash. It is absolutely filthy. A one-dollar bill is covered in more germs than a public toilet seat.”

I slide my wallet back into my pocket.

“A money transfer will suffice,” he says. “Five hundred and we’ll call it even. Only because you didn’t actually pull your weapon.” He raises a brow in mild amusement.

“I wouldn’t have actually shot you, Rick,” I say warmly.

Rick shakes his head. “Don’t lie to me, Luka. Keep your secrets but be honest with me when you can. You’d shoot me in an instant. We both know it.”

I tip my head towards the recognizable bulge at Rick’s own waist. “You are not unarmed.”

“I’m not,” he admits, glancing down at his hip. “But I never lied about my intentions. If you had pulled your weapon on me, I would have fought for my life.”

I laugh as he leads me towards the front door. “Then let’s pray my draw will always be quicker than yours.”

He opens the door and ushers me out. “And I’ll pray the same.”

I step outside but before I can turn around and say anything else in parting, Rick slams the door and slides the bolt into place.

Our conversation is over.



I’ve been in the Morrisons’ mansion for hours, but I haven’t seen anyone since Cole’s father came to see me.

I watch the sun move across the sky through the wall of windows and try to focus on anything other than my gnawing hunger and thirst, but it becomes more difficult as time goes on.

Then, I hear a distant door open and close.

For a moment, there is a flood of relief.

Finally, another person to talk to. Someone to explain to me what is going on. Maybe someone coming to take me to the restroom or feed and water me. (I’m ashamed at how quickly I’ve acclimated to my environment—already describing my needs like an animal in a zoo.)

As the quick footsteps grow closer, however, fear opens up like a pit in my stomach.

What are they going to do with me? Cole’s father told me I would be sold. Are they coming to take me now?

Even though I know what their plans are for me, part of me expected that Luka would arrive to save me before any of that happened. A small part of me clung to the idea that I would be rescued before anything truly egregious happened.

Now, however, I’m not as sure.

Especially because, if I know anything about Luka, he’ll be looking for Milaya over me. I know he loves me, but I also know how much he loves our daughter. And he knows how much I love her, too. He knows that I would want him to find her over me, so that is surely what he is doing.

I sit tall in my chair, stretch my aching spine, and lift my chin.

I will just have to save myself.