Page 45 of Seeking Ruin

“And I am happy to have been foolish enough to oblige you.”

His growling stomach interrupted the heartfelt conversation, and Kitty looked at him in amusement. “I am famished as well. What shall we do? If I am forced back into the dining room, I’m likely to vomit all over your mother.”

“As entertaining as that would be, I think we’ve had enough of her for one evening.” He thought for a moment, before an amusing idea came to mind. “Do you mind going out?”


“Ashford! What a welcome surprise to see our newlyweds again so soon,” Lord Amberwood said gaily from the head of his table as Kitty and Sebastian were shown into the formal dining room by his butler.

“We are sorry to intrude,” Kitty said bashfully, realizing that they had interrupted a small dinner party. The Earl of Dolefeild, Lord Amberwood’s uncle, sat at the other end of the table, his wife and Lady Francesca flanking him on either side. Arthur Barrow was also in attendance, along with an elegant woman that she quickly identified as the Countess of Aircourt.

“Nonsense,” Sophie said, rising gracefully from her place at Amberwood’s elbow. “You two are always welcome. Besides, we’ve only just finished the soup course.” She walked up to Kitty, giving her a quick embrace and peering at her with concern. “Come, let me have a place set for you beside me.”

Sebastian gently nudged Kitty’s back. “Do go with her.”

There was a loud scrape as Lord Dolefield moved to clumsily rise from his chair. “Give me a moment to move over, Ashford.”

Her husband waved his hand. “Please, do not on my account. I am fine to be next to Barrow.”

“You are welcome to do so,” Barrow drawled from his seat. “Though, I will mourn the loss of Lady Francesca’sdivertingconversation.” There was a slight note of condensation in his voice as he looked to the recently ruined debutante.

Lady Francesca’s face reddened, and she demurely folded her hands in her lap. “I cannot say that I found your discussions of account books and card swindlers to be quite so engaging, Mr. Barrow.”

Lady Aircourt let out an elegant chortle from her place on his other side. “Well done, Lady Francesca.”

“Don’t be rude to Jasper and Sophie’s guests,” Lady Dolefield chided.

“Allow me to buffer the disagreement,” Sebastian said in amusement as a footman brought a chair and a fresh dining set over.

Kitty allowed Sophie to lead her into another freshly set place, settling down amongst the gay chatter around her. When Sebastian had first suggested they visit the house for dinner, Kitty had been concerned at appearing rude. Now, she could admit she was happy for the company, as the dowager’s words had rattled her more than she wanted to admit.

“So, how has married life suited you, Duchess?” Amberwood asked playfully, “Though it has only been half a day, are you ready to murder Ashford yet?”

“Jasper!” Sophie chided. The marchioness turned to her with an apologetic smile. “He’s a bit foxed, I’m afraid.”

“Aren’t we all,” Barrow chimed in.

“Hear, hear!” Dolefeild boomed with a chipper raising of his glass.

“Settle down, dear,” his lady replied with a gentle pat on his wrist, though in the candlelight Kitty could see the older woman’s flushed pallor.

“You and I will likely be the only ones with sense tonight, I’m afraid,” Sophie said to her wryly. “My nausea cannot even imagine having spirits in my belly, and I doubt you will be similarly inclined.”

“Just the thought of it makes me ill,” Kitty replied with a quiet giggle, relieved to see that the raucous conversation had covered up their delicate discussion. She didn’t want news of the pregnancy getting out before it was proper, lest society come to the very same malicious conclusions that the dowager had.

“Congratulations on your nuptials, Your Grace,” Lady Aircourt said kindly from across the table. “I am happy that you have rallied from that awful scene at my ball. When I heard you had been seen at The White Heather, I’ll admit to being concerned.”

“I am quite well,” Kitty replied. Deciding to take the bull by the horns and address the gossip, she continued, “I was indeed at The White Heather, but only once. In fact, that is where Sebastian and I struck up an acquaintance.”

“I can confirm that fact,” Barrow said as he scooted his chair to allow Sebastian in. “Her Grace was there long enough for a tour and little else, despite what the rumors would have you believe. Poor Ashford here was smitten from the moment they met.”

Sebastian rose a haughty eyebrow, even as color bloomed on his cheeks. “I wouldn’t say I was ‘smitten’, Barrow.”

“Well,” Kitty said teasingly, “I certainly was. You were quite gallant to stay by my side for the entire evening.”

“Someone had to keep you out of trouble,” he shot back with a playful smirk, taking a graceful sip from a freshly procured glass of wine.

“Oh, how romantic,” Francesca gushed. “What a whirlwind love match.”