Page 28 of Seeking Ruin

“The timing is awfully convenient,” he replied with a self-assured smile that chilled her. “You only have another two months or so until the season ends.”

“This is about that stupid blackmailer? I’ve told you, everything about me is already known.”

“Every bit except one that you’ve no doubt managed to conceal until now, something damaging enough for you to need a ducal husband to hide behind.” A mirthful expression that did not meet his eyes stole over his face as he scowled. “This is why I stay away from debutantes.”

“But you didn’t, did you?” Kitty shot back, holding onto her outrage like a life line, lest she collapse into an embarrassing, sobbing puddle on the floor. He hated her for reasons she could not fathom, some important bit of information dangling just outside of her awareness that would make the mystery of his cruelty clearer. He believed her guilty of something, and she had no idea how to persuade him otherwise. “I didn’t drag you into that garden against your will, quite the opposite, you might recall.”

His lips pursed, the first break in his impenetrable mood. An empty victory, as his lips curled into a rather mean smirk immediately after. “Is it even mine?”

She would have smacked the ever-loving hell out of him if were he not all the way across the room. “That was cruel.”

His eyes shifted, a miniscule flush creeping up his neck. “Yes, I apologize. Even you would not lie about something like that.”

Even you. Kitty grit her teeth, wanting him to just bloody explain himself clearly. “What is it that you think I am hiding, Your Grace? It seems obvious that you and Mr. Barrow solved some of the mystery.” She couldn’t combat whatever hellish misunderstanding he’d come to without knowing whatever the it was that he’d uncovered. It was obviously something terrible enough to warrant a supposed desperate plot on her part, and the thought sent trepidation tumbling through her.

“Don’t play your games right now. I am decidedly not in the mood.”

Well, there went that, then. It seemed he was determined to be as dramatic as possible about the whole thing. She sighed, weariness seeping through her. “What now?”

“Your plot succeeds. I’ll have the banns read and we’ll be married within the month.”

Fat chance of that, she thought with an inward snort. If he thought she was going to shackle herself to him and expose her and her child to a lifetime of his derision, he had another thing coming. “I see,” was all she said.

“Your maid will not be coming with you to my home,” he added.

“What in the world does Mary have to do with anything?”

“I have no doubt that you concocted this scheme together, and I will be taking this small victory in not allowing her along.”

He would deny Kitty the most comforting, stable figure of her life? Goodness, if she was sure she didn’t want to marry him already, she definitely wouldn’t now. Kitty said nothing, closing her eyes against the tears. “Please go,” she whispered, needing him away from her so that she could have space to plan her next move and mend the pieces of her broken heart.

“I’ll be here in a few weeks’ time,” he reminded. “Be ready.” He wrenched open the door and stalked out.

Oh, she’d be ready for her new life, alright. And to think she’d begun to fancy herself in love with him. Kitty furiously wiped her eyes; angry, despairing, and terrified in equal measures.