Page 17 of Seeking Ruin

“But a gently bred young lady, nonetheless.”

“You can stop riling yourself into a tizzy. I wasn’t going to accept.” Having a lover was one thing, becoming some man’s kept woman was quite another. She could admit that the thought of Ashford so offended on her behalf warmed her.

“Certainly not. I’ll be having a word with him.” The promise of danger hidden within his deceptively mild tone unnerved her and served as a reminder of his salacious reputation.

“They say you’ve ruined men with the flick of a hand.”

He looked thoughtfully towards the ceiling. “Well, I wouldn’t say I work that fast. But yes, I am almost as dangerous as they say.” He looked back at her with a playful shrug. “Almost.”

“Well, I’d rather you not do anything to Dalton. He is my best friend’s father, and I think it would be unwise to stir things up even more than they already are.”

Ashford rose an eyebrow. “This, coming from the lady who tried her utmost to seduce me last night. If you do not wish to stir things up, becoming my lover is the last thing you want to do.”

“I only meant where Sophie is concerned. I don’t care a lick for my own reputation anymore. I wouldn’t have gone to The White Heather if I did.”

“You could have been salvaged.”

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “What? After ten years of penitence in the middle of god knows where and becoming the wife of some vicar or whoever is willing to take me in?” Kitty shook her head. “I’ll live my life as I see fit. I once thought that life would be with James, but now I have to make my own happiness.” She looked at him meaningfully.

“I won’t marry you.” He leaned back and crossed his arms defiantly.

“Again with this stupid marriage business. No, Your Grace, I will not become your duchess. I am well aware of my shortcomings in that regard.” She shouldn’t be hurt at his proclamation, had never set out to achieve anywhere near the aim he spoke of, but having her deficiencies as a marriage prospect thrown in her face still stung.

“It has nothing to do with you. I’m not interested in marrying anyone at the moment.”

Oh, lovely. He was one of those brooding rakes who swore off the institution. “Let me guess? A lady broke your heart in the past and you’ve sworn off love.”

He snorted. “Hardly.”

“Parents were a match made in hell?”

“My father died when I was a month old, so no.”

“Then why?”

“Has it ever occurred to you that I simply wish to be more prudent in my selection of a life partner?”

Kitty stared at him for a moment in sheer disbelief. There was no way a man as obviously jaded as him could be hoping for what she thought he was. “You’re looking for a love match?”

For the first time since she met him, Ashford’s face reddened only slightly. “Is it really such a foolish notion to want to enjoy spending time with my wife?”

She shook her head emphatically. “Not at all! It’s just, well, usually such notions are exclusive to—”

“Silly books and fresh debutantes? I am well aware.” He coughed and looked at anywhere but her, his embarrassment plain. “Hence why I am decidedly not on the marriage mart.”

It was rather adorable…and endearing. Her chest tightened, and Kitty ruthlessly suppressed the developing affection. “I think that is rather refreshing to hear from a member of your lot.”

“You’re the first person I’ve told that to.” He seemed to gather himself again, and she mourned the return of the aloof duke she was becoming long familiar with. “Anyway, I am sure you are curious as to why I am here.”

Right, Kitty thought with an inward shake, he did just sail into her home for no apparent reason. “Yes, do tell.”

“Don’t get any bright ideas,” he said with a frown as she began to grin. “I am not here to continue our…interlude.”

Kitty deflated with disappointment, though it had been a long shot to think he was suddenly smitten with her after a few clumsy attempts at flirtations and a single kiss. But what a kiss it was. “So, to what do I owe the honor of your presence?”

“I’ve come to extend an invitation to Vauxhall next week.”

She lit up at the mention of the famed venue, a place that she normally wouldn’t dare venture to with only a single male escort or, God forbid, alone. “You meant it when you agreed to chaperone me?”