Page 12 of Seeking Ruin

“Why don’t you tell me?” She replied without missing a beat, even if the fact that he saw through her diversion was rattling.

He opened his mouth to speak, eyes darkening, before Barrow interrupted the tense moment with a cheerful clap of his hands. “Excellent idea, Miss Highbridge. Ashford knows all the riotous spots and would make a perfect chaperone for you.” A soft look flitted over his face, like a shepherd watching a newborn lamb take its first steps. “I should hate to see you fall into some sort of trouble without any protection.”

In any other instance, Kitty would have taken offense at the slightly condescending statement, but even she was not so stupid as to think she was anywhere near worldly enough to know how to navigate any of the fast sets in society. She gave him a sunny, appreciative smile. “I thank you for your concern, Mr. Barrow, and will respect your knowledge on the matter.”

He put a playful hand on his chest. “A lady after my own heart. If you are ever in the market for a paramour, my dear, do seek me out.” There was a sharp edge to the smile, and she realized with a jolt that his statement was more warning than offer.This is the world you’ve put yourself in now, girl.

She swallowed, unsure of how to reply, but was saved from doing so by Ashford’s soft hand on her shoulder. He gave Barrow a hard, dangerous stare. “She’s not in the market for anything.”

Barrow shrugged. “Then you’d best stick by each other and make sure everyone else knows that, Ashford.”

“I plan to.”

She looked up at him in surprised pleasure. This was going even better than she could have imagined. “Really?”

He let out another long-suffering sigh. “Someone has to keep you out of trouble, little minx.”

“Pet names, already?” Barrow laughed.

“Shut it.”

The club owner raised his hands. “Now, now. I was only teasing. He gave kitty a conspiratorial wink. “Wasn’t I, Miss Highbridge?”

Had the man just manipulated Ashford into spending time with her? Kitty grinned back at him. “Of course. Now then, I would be honored if you could recommend which table to patronize tonight, Mr. Barrow.”

“I’ll do you one better and give you a grand tour of the whole place.”

She beamed and looked to her companion, who seemed ready to bolt at any minute. “That would be delightful, wouldn’t it, Your Grace? Do escort me.”

He frowned again at his empty glass. “If I must.”