Page 25 of Darker Shades

The air grows thick with heat as Ilose myself in my imagination, until, eventually, the music stops. The lights dim as I’m lowered downwards, and I catch glimpses of men, each in their own box, leering towards me. Thankfully, the ceiling slides back into position, blocking my view, and I collapse onto the floor as it hits the ground.Now what?

“That wasn’t so bad, now, was it?” The trainer is back and beckons me to follow her.

“What now? Where’s Miri?” I don’t bother hiding her real name.

“She’ll be up next,” she says.

“I want to wait for her. Stay with her.”

“You’ll do as you’re told and follow me to the suite you’re all waiting in.” Her voice is flat and calm.

“I’ve done everything you’ve asked. It won’t hurt. If anything, it will be better-”

Her hand slices across my cheek, stunning me into silence. My sphere of pain has been forever altered after the branding on my foot, but that doesn’t stop me grabbing my cheek at the sting.

“There is nothing you can do for your sister. Her fate is the same as yours. You will be sold, and the only hope you have is that one of the guests upstairs has more money than sense and purchases both of you. So, take my advice, do as you’re told and get used to the idea that your life is over. Do you hear me?” She tilts her head and gives me a sickening smile. Any indication she was once a woman with feeling evaporates.

“I will never accept that.” My defiance is still as strong, although the reality is closing in on the hope that feeds it.

“Then it will be all the more painful when they finally break you.” She grabs my arm and leads me through the building and tosses me into the nicest room we’ve seen so far.

All the other girls who’ve been through the parade are here.

The door slams behind me, and the key clicks into place.

Now all I can do is wait for Miri. Wait for Miri and pray that Jackson comes through.

Because he’s the only option we have now.



Poe still isn’t here that I can see.

It’s just Abel and Dragon I’ve got to find a way through.

Or around. Or over.

Heckle appears in my eye line, his body weaving through the dregs of humanity towards me. He steps out to the side of the clients as they make their way to the bar, then quietly slides in beside me.

“Are Jamie and the girls clear?” I mutter.

“The girls are. Jamie’s serving.” I look up, frustrated with that screwup, and watch as she wanders out behind the bar to get this lot full of more booze. “She reckoned they’d know something was wrong if there was no one to serve.” Her gaze glances to me, a small nod letting me know she’s done what I asked.

“And the auction women are in the Mandarin suite?”


“Our guys?”

“Some in the parking area, others outside the front door.”


I sweep a look around the place and end up at Dragon as he talks to a man who bought two women tonight. Anders Finch. Seems like tonight set all our primal instincts raging. Mine included. For one of the women, anyway. And that one – my little Naja – is not going home with Anders at all.

“Boss, what’s the plan?”