Page 15 of Darker Shades

“I’m not sure what else I can do apart from putting this over the cut. You might want to see a proper doctor.” I open the packet and apply it to his cheek. He doesn’t flinch and keeps his eyes level on mine.

“Would that bother you?” he asks.

“Seeing a doctor?” He takes my hands, preventing me from retreating.

“The scar.”

My gaze roams over his face, focuses on the darkening bruises now that the blood is cleared away, and I think about the mark scorched into the flesh of my foot.

“No.” It’s an honest answer. How could I judge anyone when I have a hideous reminder of this place to carry with me forever? The toxic mix of pain and humiliation drives tears to glisten in my eyes, and I can’t keep looking at him.

I pull my hands free from his grasp, take the painkillers out of my pocket, and pop two from their silvery confines. And then pop a third and shove them into my mouth, taking a mouthful of water straight from the tap after.

“What’s your name?”


“Your real name.” His hand slides around my jaw and holds me hostage. It sends a ripple of nerves through my body, but there’s a pull towards him – an attraction that I know he feels, too. And when I look at him, the position I’m in doesn’t seem quite so dire.


“Naja.” He repeats it back to me, and I can’t help but feel hope in hearing my real name from his lips.

The air charges between us, and the small bathroom fades away until there’s just us.

And I make the decision.

I lean forward and press my lips against his. Firm and slow, but with no question as to my intent despite the question of my motives.

The salt and tang of copper infuse as I press my lips harder. A flood of heat and adrenaline swamp me, and it takes my breath.

Reed takes this second to punch up the intensity of the kiss, and I don’t fight him.



Standing, I push her back to the wall before this turns into a frenzy that isn’t meant for her. She pants in shock, eyes wide at my aggression. I’m not surprised, but everything – every single fucking thing – is still wound up tight from the beating I took.

I back off a step or two until I’m turning out of the bathroom and looking around the dusty apartment for a drink. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing up here with her. And I sure as hell know I should be keeping my hands to myself. Maybe it’s just pride or anger at Dragon. Either way, getting more attached to something that’s going to be sold in two daysis pathetic.

A lone, half-drunk bottle of whiskey sits abandoned in the kitchenette, and I grab it, twisting the top off so I can sink some sense into myself. She walks up behind me, unsure of herself I suppose. I’m not surprised at that either.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, putting the bottle down.

She walks forward a little more, looks around the space rather than at me. “You brought me up to help?”

“No. Here. In this place with the others.”

“We were taken.” The sound of that cracks something inside me and makes me more bitter about the situation than I already was. “We were just walking, and then there was a man with a gun. I didn’t know what to do, and …” She trails off and wrings her hands in front of her, looking up at me from under those lashes of hers. “I thought we were …” She blinks and looks back at the bathroom. “But I should go maybe if we’re not.”

“What do you want with me?”

“With you?”

“I’m not a fucking fool, Naja. You might be hot as fuck, and I’m willing to test that out right now, but if you’re expecting me to get you out of this, you’re wrong. I can’t.”

She frowns and stares at me, nothing else but that for a minute or so. I drink some more and keep watching her fidget, unsure what I should do next. Fuck her is probably what I should do. Get it out of me and be done with it. She’ll just be something else I’ve used then, something to discard and forget about like some of my dancers.