Page 3 of A Torment of Sin

“One little fuck,” one of them says.

I don’t know who anymore. I’m too focused on the skin writhing and moving, her legs and torso twitching under the stress he’s putting her under. Soft skin. Beautiful skin. Reddened and warmed, nubile and stretched out for me.

My eyes close, a calming huff trying to bring me under control. I won't.


Another slap from the leather strap sounds out in the room, a moan following it. I grit my teeth and attempt ignoring it. It’s not working. Nothing is now I can see her exposed and waiting for me. And the damn pills are calling me, I can feel them in my inside pocket, rattling against my heart and pulse that’s thundering under them in need. What would it matter? No one would know.

Only me and these other three.

“Please … Gray,” stutters from her mouth.

My back grates on the wall behind me, neck catching some spikes of decaying brick. It tears a line through the skin, heightening the feel of the room, her whimpers, and the need inside me to give in to what I want. Blood and sweat. Smells and slick skin.

“Still begging, Gray.” Malachi.

I scowl under the taunt of his words, trying, again, to ignore the sound of his feet walking circles around her. My head shakes slowly, part infuriated with the continued sound of her and part infatuated with it. “What should I do for her first, Gray?”

Get that damned blade away from her for a start.

Although, my eyes open at the thought, unable to deny the need to watch it move on her skin again. It travels slowly, tipping inwards on parts of her body that no one should be touching but me, and then moves up her thigh towards her cunt.

A giggle comes out of Faith, her body passing my view until she’s off to the left of me and undressing. My gaze goes to her, watching carefully as she strips down to her underwear and walks back towards Malachi unabashed and brazen. Long legs flow, each step making the atmosphere tighter to drink in. It hurts me now. Dick ridged.

Hands and arms taut with my own strain to keep away.

A long breath pulls into me, eyes now focused like a hawk at everything happening in front of me.

“Shall I lick her Gray?” Faith says. “Tell me what to do for you.”

I roll my own tongue around my lips and swallow, imagining the taste of her, as I watch Faith's mouth move. Lick, suck, fuck. My hand goes up to my jaw to rub the tension and ache out of it, fingers chaffing against stubble. “Gray? Tell me.”

A sudden scream pitches out into the air, Hannah’s body churning and rattling the chains she’s in. I look back to find Malachi laughing and moving to her side again, the strap he was holding now at full length to give him more room around her body.

“How long do you think she’ll last without coming?” He chuckles again, dark and low murmurings to himself and then Faith. “Don’t you want to make her come first?” I didn’t.

A snarl forms at the thought, memories of Dillon’s hand inside her before mine pissing me off. “Or shall I do it for you?”

“Please, Gray. I need you. You.”

The words from her sound incoherent now, lazed and drawled as if she’s barely here other than sensation. My dick rears again at the thought, mind willing me to fall into lost hedonism so I can play. And then Faith’s on her, her mouth kissing its way up her legs, tickling her gently.

The snap of the leather on her ass makes her stop and glare at Malachi – eyes all bitch again for a moment - and then carry on with her seductive task. I smile at that, amused at their dynamic if nothing else, and let myself start enjoying the visual without remorse. Two sets of skin to eye fuck.

Two bodies to watch and imagine.

“Still feeling gallant, Gray?” A laugh comes out of him, the strap thrown harshly over Hannah’s breasts and ribs. She buckles and mewls, body writhing under Faith's lips as they keep meandering over her skin. “I’m not feeling very gallant.”

No, nor am I.

My feet push me off the wall, body moving forward of its own accord to get out of these shadows and into the light. There’s nothing gallant in my head. It’s a turmoil of anything but gallantry. I put my hands in my pockets to force them into containment, head tilting as the next lash lands on Hannah’s pale skin and she buckles once more.

“Tell me you like it,” I murmur. Mewls sound out again, small whimpers and groans as she tries avoiding Faith's lips getting closer to her cunt. She won’t. Not now I’ve shown enough interest in their sordid little game to tempt me. It’ll go on and on until I give in and fuck her, take her from him and prove him right. “Talk, Hannah. Consent.”

“Close enough?” Malachi asks, another chuckle.

No, nowhere near close enough, but I’m not moving anymore unless it’s to take something from him that doesn’t belong to me or she answers me. I sneer and watch her face rather than look back at him, focus bringing her into my mind again. I’m not ignoring it now. Can’t. Don’t fucking want to either. I’m in it with her, listening and watching. Needing. I want answers to questions, though. Validation before this moves forward any further than it already is doing.