He growled at himself and picked out his phone, dialling his sister, Evelyn. “Brother,” she answered.
She sighed in the background and he heard her tap a keyboard, as he walked through the lobby to get outside, her fingers slowing slightly. “I can’t. Conner has me implementing a new system and-“
“Hold on.” He lowered his phone, muting the call and texting the man in question.
- Let Evelyn have a damn lunch break.
The response was instant.
- Fuck you, White. She’s busy being clever.
He chortled at the words, amused. It had been a while since he’d seen him, and for once they were both in New York together.
- But then after I’ve done family, we could go drinking later?
And get drunk.
He strode out into the daylight and looked for the car, still missing Andrews. Colin nodded at him and drew up into the parking bay.
- Alright, but you’re paying.
He smirked and nodded at that, too, sliding himself into the car and switching back to voice call. “Evelyn? I’ll meet you at Palantino’s in twenty minutes. Conner sends his regards.” She chuckled and continued tapping her keyboard.
“Okay,” she replied, ending the call with just that word.
Planatino’s was, as usual, exemplary. It was the only place he’d learned to enjoy in New York. Nothing about this place felt like home. It never had. But Pascal was regularly here forClaire and Lilah most of the time, and Conner and Evelyn spent an increasing amount of time here, as did Belle. She’d opened their newest bakery here a little over a year ago after the success of the London shop exploded into the fashion scene. Seemed models who could not eat carbs, were very happy to pay a fortune for them just to throw them up again. And then the high society decided Scott’s was the place to get all the products delivered for parties and upscale functions off the back of that. And so his investment in Elizabeth’s business was doing very well, not that he took a damn penny from it. It was all theirs, always would be.
He smiled at the thought of Elizabeth and closed his cutlery, looking up at Evelyn as she continued to nod and talk Conner through something he could not do himself. Eventually Alex got bored with the conversation and grabbed at her phone, ending the call.
“Alex, that was-“
“No, he can’t do it without me.”
“Well, he should be able to. It is his company after all.”
“I know but-“
“Evie, I haven’t seen you for months,” he said. “Please. Put the career down for a second. It’s not like you need the money.” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
“You stole money from me. And given your acumen, and the fact that I never got the entirety of it back, I assume the rest of it is soundly invested. Which means you don’t need to work at all. So, forgive me if I don’t give a fuck for whatever work you think you should be doing. Do sistering instead.” She snorted and looked him over, leaning back onto the chair.
“How’s Elizabeth?”
“And Pascal?”
“Any more than one word?”