Page 27 of Check

“You fucking try it and I’ll-“

“What, dear boy?” Something else looped around his ankles, a snap of leather pulling his legs together and leaving him like a pig on a spit. “You will what? Scream? Take yourself away from me?” Pascal chuckled again and leant his body weight down onto him, one hand reaching for the back of his jeans and pulling. “You will do as you are told until I am ready to release your felonious ass,” he said, rubbing his skin onto Alex’s back. “I am obliged to teach you some manners.”

“No,” he growled, trying to look back over his shoulder. Pascal’s hand landed on his head, shoving it back down into the dirt with more strength than he’d ever felt.

“You, dear little boy, have forgotten with whom you toy,” he whispered into Alex’s ear, as fingers dug into his cheek to hold him in place. “This arrogance from you disgusts me.” Alex snapped his teeth, hoping to catch fingers in it. That’s all he had. He was stuck, and barely able to move under a strict hold that wasn’t giving him anything to manoeuvre out with. He half relaxed at the thought of it, knowing he wouldn’t be able to get out. He’d seen it too many times on other men, watched a master take hold of his prey and win every damn time. And he felt so fucking tired all of a sudden.

“You do this and we’re done, Pascal,” he muttered, lips in the grass.

“You assume that is not what I want.”

He frowned at the words, unsure what they meant, as fingers worked his jeans lower. Pascal wanted to leave? That thought alone sent a wave of sadness across him, debilitating whatever fight might remain and clearing his mind of anything. He closed his eyes and took a long breath, hoping to hell this was just a game of sorts, some kind of taunt to show him something. But the hand delved to a place it hadn’t dare go before. It probed and pushed as lips skimmed his neck and teeth dug in. Alex tensed, hoping that would be enough to show his feelings on the matter. It might have been, but it didn’t stop Pascal widening his ass and ramming fingers inside. A wave of breath filtered over his neck, lips roaming again. He could feel the damn smile from here, see it in his mind.

“Fuck you,” Alex grunted out, his head finally giving up its fight for freedom.

“No, my dear boy. It is about time that I fuck you, hmm?” He circled his fingers, widening the stretched hole and then adding another too. “Perhaps then you shall learn your true value.”

Chapter 13


It’s morning. I know it’s morning because bright light is streaming through the windows I idiotically forgot to pull the curtains across. I stare at them, and this entire room, wondering what the hell I’m going to do today. I don’t even know why I’m up here still. I should have gone back to my own apartment last night, left when I said I would, and then Pascal arrived with his clever mouth and his words of help. He said it would be fine, and that I should calm down and let him talk to Alex. Talk to Alex? I’d snorted at him and stomped around the kitchen, completely sure that no amount of talking to Alex gets through his thick head at all, but as usual just the chance that this can be made nice again was enough for me to capitulate.

I huff out in exasperation and pull the covers over my head, perhaps hoping to ignore the fact that I need to get up and wee. Oh, where’s Alex? I throw the covers back again and look at the other side of the bed. Empty. He didn’t even come to bed? What a wanker.

I’m up and storming over to the bathroom instantly. He couldn’t even be bothered to sleep with me? Didn’t feel that might be useful to us re-bonding or something? I sit on the toilet and stare at the tiles, feeling utterly dejected and lacking any care for what today might bring. My wee stings as it comes out, hurting what is already a sore area down below. Not that it is ever anything but sore, but this time it’s empty as well, as empty as our bed is of him.

My eyes look out the doorway. In all reality it’s been that way for months. He’s never here. Never part of what we used to be. And I think we’ve broken beyond repair now, no matter what Pascal said last night. Oh, sod it. I’m going home, back to Teresa so she can help me through whatever this is. Life here is over. I’ll find my way without him. Belle will have to deal with his investment because I’m not.

I’m done

I wipe off and flush, heading for the sink to wash my hands and brush my teeth of him, too. I’ll scrub him away somehow. I don’t know how, but I will.

“Elizabeth?” gets called from the bedroom. Pascal? I duck out of the bathroom, toothbrush still scrubbing furiously. He’s there in a robe, still managing immaculate, with his hands holding a silver tray piled high with breakfast and coffee. “Ah, there you are. Come, eat,” he says, crossing to the balcony doors and opening them. He is joking, right? I’m not doing any bloody thing here anymore. I’m leaving is what I’m doing. “Now, Elizabeth.” Oh. “Before I spank your insubordination.” My toothbrush hovers in my mouth at the thought. He is rather good at it. I shake my head at myself – no. Jesus. I need to get a grip of myself and stop with all this fawning over wankers. Not that he is one. Not most of the time anyway.

I push my hair up into a clip and grab at my dressing gown, glancing at the September weather out there. Balcony breakfast in September? Idiot. He must think he’s in Rome still.

“Out here, really?” I say, wandering out to join him.

“Hmm,” he hums around his mouthful of coffee.

“You can’t talk me out of leaving today, Pascal,” I say as I sit and pick up my cup, cradling it in my hands. “You might have persuaded me to stay last night, but I’m still going.” My knees pull up to my chest trying to brace against the fresh air, or the thought of leaving Alex. I’m not sure which.

“I do not intend to,” he replies, reaching for a croissant. “I only intend to nourish you effectively before you leave.” Oh. Right. He smiles at me and then bites into his croissant, teeth reminding of too many nights together, Alex watching. I shake my head again and look at the view rather than at him. He’ll make this harder than it already is, and I can’t afford that anymore. My heart is too weak for it after all this time. I’ve done my tears, cried them out and purged the shit from my system. The pair of them have done their job very well indeed, and now Elizabeth Scott has become as hard as they are. As durable. “You are still quite lovely.”

My smile in reply knows no bloody bounds. I’m ridiculous. I snort, at myself mainly, and scan his face wondering if I’ll ever see it again. He really is devastating. Completely opposed to Alex and nothing like anything else in the world.

“Can we meet for coffee every now and then?” I ask, not quite able to let the thought of him go. He arches a brow over his coffee and stares at me. “If you would like to, I mean.” Because maybe he wouldn’t, given his love for Alex. Still he looks, no smile to help me. I suddenly feel ridiculous again so pick up a piece of melon and look away. How does he do that? He’s not like Alex. He’s larger somehow. Or perhaps I just don’t know him as well. Not that I know Alex lately either. Arsehole.

I munch on my melon, wondering who the hell either of them are. I mean, I thought I knew, but maybe I didn’t and they’re not who I ever thought they were, and this has never been what I thought it was, and-

“Have you finished?”


“Pick up your coffee,” he says, standing and offering his hand. I look at it, not entirely sure what’s coming next. I never do with him. “I have something more to nourish you with.” Does he?

“What?” Because that could mean anything.