“Oh?” Alessa said, lowering her voice. If the Consiglio wasn’t debating the merits of killing her yet, she wouldn’t give them any ideas.
Tomo frowned. “What’s this about?”
“Do you believe in me, Renata?” Alessa tried to hold Renata’s gaze, but her eyes kept slipping to the door.
“Of course,” said Renata. “You’re the Finestra.”
“Am I? Or should we end my life and see if a better one rises?”
The older woman’s cool expression barely changed, but a subtle play of thoughts tightened the skin around her eyes. “I’ve already told you to disregard that ridiculous man.”
“And yet,youhaven’t.”
Tomo sighed. “Renata. She heard us.” It wasn’t a question.
“Yes. I heard you.” Alessa spoke directly to Renata. “I’ve heard the theories, too, and I don’t blame you for discussing them. Your duty is to prepare for what’s coming, and that means weighing every possibility, no matter how unpleasant. But next time, I should be a part of the conversation.”
“I wasn’tseriouslyconsidering it,” Renata said, each word sharp enough to draw blood, “but Tomo and I have a responsibility to Saverio.”
“I have a responsibility to this island, too. If you decide my death is the price we must pay—if you truly think it’s our best chance—I’ll accept your decision and do it myself. I will not, however, stand by and do nothing if I am attacked without warning.”
Alessa had never been more thankful for the pockets to hide her shaking hands. She’d never stood up to her mentors before, but it was time. No more waiting to kill or be killed.
Renata reached for Tomo’s arm, and they turned to leave, but the doorway was occupied.
Alessa nearly groaned aloud.
“Who are you?” Renata demanded of Dante.
“Someone who’sterribleat following directions,” Alessa muttered. She gathered a breath for strength. “He’s my new guard.”
Renata studied Dante the way a cat nudged a dead bird to see if it was fresh enough to eat. “Why isthis oneout of uniform?”
“This one,” drawled Dante, “doesn’tlikeuniforms.”
“And who, exactly, are you?” Renata asked again.
Dante gave her a cold smile. “You heard her. I’m her new guard.”
“And what happened to your previous guard, Finestra?” Renata asked, turning the title into a warning.
Alessa tried to speak, but the words seemed to be locked in a vault. “He… abdicated his duty.”
“Whatdid hedo?” The lightning flash of rage in Renata’s eyes did more to reassure Alessa than anything she’d said thus far.
Talking about what happened would make it too real. The terror had barely settled, and she couldn’t bear to stir it up again. It must have shown on her face, though, because Renata inhaled sharply. “I’ll have Lorenzo stripped of his rank immediately.”
“Thank you.”
“But honestly, did you throw a letter out the window and hire the first person who picked it up?”
“It doesn’t matter how I found him.”
“A stranger shows up at the Cittadella at the Finestra’s side, and you don’t want us to ask any questions?” Tomo scolded gently.
“The guidelines say a Finestra has the right to choose her own security personnel, as long as they’re no relation.” If relationswerepermitted, she would’ve begged Adrick on day one. Which was why the rule existed in the first place. Cutting ties with one’s previous life didn’t include dragging your twin brother along.
Tomo rubbed his temples. “The troops will be your only defense when Divorando comes, Finestra. If you’re unsure of their fealty, we should take action.”