Page 116 of This Vicious Grace

“Saida and Kaleb, help Kamaria to the couch. Elevate her leg.”

Kaleb gaped at Dante. “What about—”

“Just do it.” Alessa bent farther, blocking Kaleb’s view.

“I’m sorry,” Nina cried. “I neverwantedto hurt anyone.Thiswas an accident.”

Unlike the statue.

Alessa clenched her teeth. First, she had to take care of Kamaria and protect Dante’s secret. Then, she’d deal with Nina’s betrayal.

Saida rushed inside with an armful of bandages, colliding with Nina, who seemed struck by the need to make amends and tried to wrestle them from her. Rolling her eyes, Saida shoved a handful into Nina’s hands and took the rest to where Kamaria lay on the couch, forearm over her eyes.

Alessa held up a hand to stop Nina, but she kept coming, her red-rimmed eyes fixed on Dante’s shoulder, where he was trying, unsuccessfully, to cover what was left of his injury with his free hand.

Nina stopped mid-stride and shrieked.

“What?” Saida said. “What’s wrong?”

Heaving for breath, Nina pointed. “Ghiotte!”

Kamaria groaned.

“Oh,” said Saida. “Yeah. I had a hunch.”

Teeth bared in a snarl, Dante struggled to his feet as Kaleb stalked over. He’d never looked more like a cornered animal, and it made Alessa ache.

Kaleb stopped a safe distance away. “No wonder you win every fight. I should have known.”

“What is wrong with all of you?” Nina cried. “He’sthe reason she killed Emer and Ilsi and Hugo.”

“Dante wasn’t even here when my previous Fontes died,” Alessa said. “He’s donenothingbut help us.”

Nina shook her head. “No, he’s evil. A killer.”

“Like you almost became today?” Alessa said. “Or when you used yourgiftto knock a statue on me?”

Nina began to sob. “I didn’twantto. I was scared.”

“For Dea’s sake, Nina, you tried tokillthe Finestra,” Kaleb said. “Take it down a notch with the righteous indignation. Dante had more than enough opportunity to kill us all, but so far, you’re the only one who’s tried to.”

“Nina.” Josef said, jaw tight. “If word gets out about this, it won’t be good for anyone.”

An understatement. If the public suspected a ghiotte had infiltrated the Cittadella, they’d blame him for every death she’d caused. Few would listen to reason.

“I’ll leave.” Dante said.

“No!” Alessa couldn’t tell who’d yelled louder—her, Saida, or Kamaria.

“I say he stays,” Saida said. “And Nina leaves.”

Kaleb shrugged one shoulder. “I’m not telling anyone. But Nina talks more than she prays, and she prays plenty. I don’t think she can keep this to herself.”

“Nina,” Alessa said. “I don’t want to banish you, but I will ifI have to. If you’d rather be safe inside the Fortezza, protectedby me, you’ll give me your word you’ll take this secret to your grave.”

Josef pulled himself up to his full height. “I give youmyword. If she tells a soul, you can banish me, too.”

“Nina?” Alessa waited.