“I’m sure you can.” She hugged her knees to her chest. “I can tell you’re upset.”
“Yeah. I am.”
Right. Excellent. Glad she’d brought it up, then. “Well, I’m sorry. I’m sure it was disappointing to wake up and find me, when you were probably hoping for the girl with the magic hands.”
“What?” He dragged a hand through his hair. “I never said I was disappointed. You thought I was thinking ofsomeone else?”
Wait.“You were dreaming aboutme?” He didn’t deny it. “And you wereenjoyingthat dream?” Her mind flashed back to the feel of his body pressed against hers.
His cheekbones darkened. “Think the evidence was pretty clear.”
“Then why did you flip out when I told you I wanted you?”
“Because youdon’t. You’re desperate, and I’m your only option. That’s what you said, remember?”
“Dante, that was ajoke.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s not true. Pretty soon you’ll be the most beloved person in Saverio, and I’ll be back on the docks with the rest of the trash. I know stale bread’s better than nothing when you’re starving, but you’ll be much happier if you hold out for a real meal.”
“You are notstale bread,” she said. “And I can make my own decisions.”
“Yeah, well, you hired me to look out for you until you get a Fonte. I’m not going to let you do something you’ll regret.”
“You patronizing son of a… Get up,” she said through gritted teeth.
Dante stood and crossed his arms, staring down his nose at her.
“Do I have permission to touch your chest?” she asked.
He frowned. “Why?”
“So I can shove your stubborn ass into the ocean.”
“You’re asking permission to drown me?”
“No. I’m asking permission totouchyou. If I kill you, it will be entirely without your consent.”
“You know,” Dante said, in the tone of a patient teacher. “Someday you’ll thank me—”
He hit the water with a splash she hoped left his backside stinging for hours.
When the brutal sun went down and the air cooled to a tolerable temperature, they settled in a circle around a fire Kamaria had made with driftwood. Using her gift, she coaxed the lavender flames to dance while Saida sent a targeted breeze to fan them, and Nina passed out a picnic dinner.
Kaleb jutted his chin at Dante. “What happens if you touch uswhiletouching him?”
Kamaria snickered. “I didn’t sign up for that kind of thing, but hey, two for the price of one.”
Kaleb made a gagging face at Kamaria before turning back to Alessa. “You said he’s like a gauge or whatever. So, grab on and use your handy-dandy power detector to dampen the power while we’re practicing. Makes more sense than doing it when you’re alone.”
“Depends on your goals,” Kamaria muttered.
Alessa kicked sand at her foot.
Any other day, she’d jump at the excuse to take Dante’s hand, but he could barely look at her.
“Might as well,” Saida said. “Anything’s worth a try if it might help, right?”
Nina hugged her knees. “I’ll do anything that will lower the odds of people dying.”