
Mason’s eyes flickered open, dropping to the beauty in his arms. Pippa’s naked flesh was still pressed against him, his cock nudging the opening of her bitable ass cheeks. How long has it been since I’ve woken up to a woman in my bed?

More than a decade. At first it had been deployment, and then grief. His whole life had revolved around diapers and baby dolls. Somewhere amongst those sleepless nights, Aspen had grown into a teenager, and he was still . . . waking up alone. He might have been an anomaly, but no one had ever tempted him to change the way he lived his life until Pippa.

A small snore came from her parted lips. He smiled, leaning down to inhale the juncture of her neck and collarbone before placing a kiss on her cheek. He pulled his arm out from under her, careful not to wake her. Pippa stirred, rolling to her belly and hiking her knee up so that it slipped out of the slate-blue sheets. We’ll have to try that position later.

He shook his head and tugged on a pair of grey NAVY sweatpants—the same ones he’d let Pippa borrow.

Mason slipped into the en suite bathroom, brushed his teeth and relieved himself before he motioned to the dog and opened the bedroom door.

“Come on, girl. Let’s let your mama rest.”

Lady perked her ears up from her spot at the bottom of the bed. Mason had let her in after Pippa had fallen asleep. Lady sniffed her owner and then, seemingly satisfied, jumped off the bed. The dog stretched and then followed Mason downstairs to the back door. Mason let her out to the backyard to do her business while he made coffee and breakfast.

Birds chirping filtered in from the open door as the smell of coffee permeated the kitchen. Mason called Lady in, replenishing her bowl of water and putting out some leftover chicken cutlets he had sitting in the fridge. I’ll have to ask what kind of dog food Pippa uses for next time. And there would be a next time. Nervous excitement burst in his chest.

“Come on, girl. Let’s go bring your mommy some breakfast.” Mason lifted the makeshift tray, which was really a cookie sheet filled with their mugs of coffee, a bowl of fruit he’d just cut up, and some bagels with cream cheese.

He padded up the steps, his stomach flipping, excited to get back to the sleeping goddess in his bed.

He smiled. Pippa was now sprawled across the bed like a starfish. The sheet had lowered, showing off the soft dip of her spine. Carefully, he set the tray on the bedside table before running his finger down her spine. He wanted to explore all her curves in the light of day. Pippa’s shoulder twitched.

“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.” Mason sat on the edge of the bed.

Pippa turned her head towards him, flashing her eyes open for a moment before shutting them again. A pleased and lazy smile was painted across her face.

“Do you always sleep like a starfish?” he teased.

She frowned, her bottom lip pouting as she pulled her arms and legs back towards her body. “I’m not used to having to share my space.”

He chuckled. “Me either.”

Pippa sat, rubbing her eyes as she turned over. The sheet fell to her waist, but she made no move to cover herself. Mason drank in the view of her tits on display and swallowed. His cock shot to attention.

“Do I smell coffee?” She gave him a sleepy smile.

“I brought breakfast too.” He scooted next to her and pulled the tray onto his lap.

Pippa’s eyes widened. “Wow. I’m getting the royal treatment, huh?”

“I’d hardly call a couple bagels and a bowl of fruit the royal treatment.”

She placed her hand on his naked chest. “No one’s ever brought me breakfast in bed before. Thank you.”

How could no one treat this woman like the queen she was? Every other man’s loss was his gain.

“I should take Lady out first,” Pippa said.

“Already done. And I fed her.”

Pippa’s eyes widened before she reached for one of the mugs of coffee. “You make it too easy.”

His brows drew together. “Make what easy?”

Her eyes searched his, as if studying his reaction. “Falling for you.”

Those words should have scared him. He never would have allowed things to go this far if he didn’t see the possibility of a future with Pippa. He was falling for her too.