Mason’s gaze scanned the scene in front of him. They’d pushed two picnic tables end to end to make one long banquet table. The crawfish and lobster boil had been dumped onto the waterproof tablecloth in the center, mixed with corn on the cob and potatoes. Dishes of salted butter were scattered across the table along with bowls full of delicious food he and Aspen had spent all morning helping Pippa create.
Aspen sat on the other side of Pippa, going to town on her pasta salad. David sat on her opposite side. Finn and Charli had joined them, as well as Brynn and Aaron.
Mason’s thigh pressed against Pippa’s, her soft, bare skin turning his cock into a steel rod in his pants. He shifted, trying to get comfortable. It didn’t help that her cotton dress flapped in the breeze, rustling against his sensitive flesh and reminding him how easy it would be to slide his hand up her silky smooth thigh and under her hem. Even with all their friends around the picnic table, no one would know.
He peeked over his shoulder. Lady dutifully lay on the grass behind Pippa. Pippa laughed at something Charli said. The sound was like the sweetest birdsong playing the right chords to make his damaged heart skip a beat. Touching her had been an act of desperation. He’d thought for sure it would help him get the beast of his attraction under control. Kissing her had backfired. What the fuck was I thinking? Now the monster lust had been given the keys to its prison, free to poison his every cell with desire.
“Mmmm, this is so good. Pippa is the best cook.” Aspen licked her finger.
Pippa smiled. “That’s because I had the best helpers.”
“I need this recipe.” Sebastian held up his second stuffed avocado.
“I agree,” Perry covered his mouth with his napkin as he commented.
“No problem.” Pippa lifted a piece of lobster tail to her mouth. A drop of butter dripped onto her chin before the meat disappeared into her mouth.
Mason swiped his thumb across it before he thought better. Her eyes widened as she turned towards him. He licked the buttery remnants from his finger and her eyes grew heated.
“You had a little something there.” He’d rather be laying her out on this table and feasting on her without the audience. It was good they had guests here. It would help stop him from crossing a line he shouldn’t cross . . . again. Touching her was just so natural and easy.
Sebastian smirked knowingly. “Sure there was.” He chuckled.
Pippa’s laugh sounded nervous. “Oh, thanks.”
His palm connected with her thigh as he gave in to his overwhelming need to touch her, give her some of the calm she brought to his day. Pippa placed her hand over his, resting it there as if they’d done it a hundred times before.
“Pippa, will you come see my tree house?” Aspen asked.
“Oh, you haven’t seen it yet?” Charli asked, handing over her baby boy, Jamison, to Finn.
Finn held the sleepy baby over his shoulder before he stood, patting his back and swaying back and forth. I can’t believe Aspen used to be that little.
Pippa shook her head. “I’ve heard all about it though.”
“I think I’ll get the dessert ready while you go do that.” Charli stood.
“I’ll help you.” Brynn, who’d been more of a quiet observer up until this point, followed her inside.
Aaron’s gaze followed Brynn before flicking back to David sitting across from him.
Pippa wiped her hands on a napkin and slipped off the bench of the picnic table. “Alright, show me this tree house.” Lady got to her feet and followed after Pippa.
“Want to come, David?” Aspen asked her friend.
He shook his head. “No, thanks.”
Mason grabbed a scallop and plopped it into his mouth before chewing. Someone kicked him under the table.
“What the fuck?” Mason asked.
Sebastian smirked and stood. “I don’t think all the food here could quench the kind of hunger you have, bro.”
“Stop antagonizing your brother.” Perry got to his feet. “Come on, let’s go get another drink.”
“Listen to your boyfriend,” Mason grumbled.