“Ingredients,” he ordered, his voice strained as if he, too, was holding back.

“Haces que sea demasiado fácil enamorarte de ti. No me rompas el carazón.” You make it too easy to fall for you. Don’t break my heart.

She scanned his eyes for any inclination of understanding.

Mason’s gaze grew darker than she’d ever seen as he leaned in, his exhale teasing across her lips, blistering her with overwhelming desire.


Mason jerked back. He blinked as if trying to clear his sapphire gaze. “I . . . uh . . .”

Pippa panted, her blood pumping furiously in her veins as she tried to get a hold of herself.

Mason shook his head before a mask of indifference slipped into place. “I’ll get the door.”

Disappointment flooded over her as she turned back to the stove. Voices came from the other room. The timer beeped. She shut it off and then did the same with the stove. The food was ready, but she still needed a few minutes to get the swirling mix of emotions thrumming in her body under control.

“Something smells good in here.” Aaron’s voice carried through the room before he peeked his head into the kitchen, Mason trailing beside him.

“Hello,” Aaron greeted her, holding up a plate of brownies.

She forced a bright smile and waved, afraid her voice would betray her.

Mason motioned to the back door and led his friend outside after placing the brownies on the counter. “The party is out here. Can I get you a drink?”

Pippa pressed her palms to her hot cheeks, trying to cool them.

She sucked in a startled breath when two large hands grabbed her from behind. She spun around as Mason’s mouth crashed down on hers. She gripped his arm, holding on for dear life while he kissed her stupid. His tongue thrust into her mouth, hungry and sure. She opened for him, pliant and willing. Desire and excitement whirled inside her like a tornado leaving nothing but devastating lust in its path.

Mason pulled back, and the bluest eyes she’d ever seen stared back at her. His chest heaved as if he were as affected by the explosion of the kiss as she was. “I couldn’t go through the rest of the night without tasting you.”

She licked her kiss-swollen lips. “No complaints here.”

The corner of his mouth turned up. “Ready?”

For you? No. Not even close.

He motioned to the large stock pot behind her. “Oh! The food. Of course. Uh, yeah—yes. Just needs to be strained and then you can take it out. Should we wait for the others?”

“They’re already out there. They didn’t bother coming through the house.” Mason picked up two pot holders and lifted the pan.

His arms flexed as he drained the water. Pippa forced her gaze away. She scanned the white kitchen, devoid of color except for the muted grey walls, stainless steel appliances, and a few aged pictures taped to the fridge that Aspen must have drawn for him.

She got to work stuffing the avocados and pretended she wasn’t picturing herself fitting into his world where they cooked more meals together, and this turned into the two of them becoming more than just friends. She risked a glance over her shoulder. His strong, muscled back flexed under his taut T-shirt.

Could he ever want more with her?

I can’t handle any distractions. His words pierced her heart. If there was one thing Pippa brought to someone’s life, it was more responsibility. No, she wouldn’t do that to him. She had to keep her feelings in check. But she couldn’t end this. At least not yet. She wasn’t ready to give Mason up.