“And shaved ice for dessert,” Aspen added.

“Deal.” Mason brought the seafood to his truck, where he’d brought a cooler for just this purpose already filled with ice so they could take their time this afternoon.

When he returned, Pippa and Aspen each carried a bag with some green vegetables sticking out as they meandered towards one of the food trucks. The hot air grew sweet and floral as he passed Lily’s Flower Shop stall. Mason was thrusting his cash to the owner and holding two bouquets of wildflowers before he thought better of it.

As he approached Pippa and Aspen, they got into the line. His daughter spoke. “Do you want to come watch one of my soccer games sometime?”

“Hmm, I don’t like to take the bus, so I would have to ask your dad to drive me and I don’t want to impose.”

“Why don’t you use the bus to get around?”

Pippa’s shoulders tensed and she dipped her head before turning back to Aspen. “I had a bad experience, and I don’t really want to relive that.”

“Did you have a seizure on the bus?” Aspen pressed.

He wanted to tell her not to push, but he wanted to know the answer too.

Pippa sighed. “Yeah, and let’s just say, not all men are as helpful as your dad.”

Anger heated his skin. Had someone hurt her? His fists clenched around the bouquets as a growl rumbled in his chest.

Pippa spun around, her eyes wide. Her hand pressed over her heart. Her eyes dropped to the flowers in his grip before flicking back to his face. Aspen turned.

Mason thrust the bouquets out to them. “Here you go. Saw these and thought you ladies might like them.”

A sudden flash of nervousness twisted in his gut. Were the flowers too much? Friends gave friends flowers, right? And it wasn’t like he could just get Aspen some and not Pippa. Or did I grab them with Pippa in mind?

Pippa’s face split in a wide grin. “Thank you.” She sniffed the floral arrangement.

“Yeah, thanks, Dad,” Aspen added.

The warm summer breeze rustled through the park, giving them a brief break from the humidity. Families milled about, some of them picnicking under the tall oak trees. Conversation and laughter became background noise, mixing with the jazz music from the stage set up across the park.

“Our turn,” Pippa said as they stepped forward to the counter.

The ladies moved closer to the food truck. Mason moved between them as they ordered what they wanted. His hand brushed Pippa’s. He interlocked his pinky with hers. She tipped her head to the side, giving him a smile—a promise of secrets and tomorrows and more of those kisses. His heart thudded in his chest. She was stunning. A warm feeling seeped into his body, making him glow from the inside out with something that felt a lot like contentment.

He needed more. More of this feeling. And more of Pippa.