“Are things better between you two?” Pippa pressed.

“Not really. Hey, Dad said you’re coming to the seafood festival with us this weekend.” Aspen changed the subject.

“Yes. Do you like seafood?”

Aspen made a sour face, her nose scrunching up. “Only some. Not lobster.”

Pippa laughed. “I thought everyone in New England liked lobster?”

“Yuck.” Aspen shivered.

Pippa shook her head and bit back a smile.

“I’m glad you’re coming with us this year.” The young woman gave her a hug. Pippa wrapped her arms around her, squeezing her back. Some of that peace and calm enveloped her with Aspen’s embrace, but it was nothing like being in her father’s arms.

Pippa’s gaze wandered out the front again. Mason’s large frame balanced on the ladder as his arms flexed, holding the drill. It had stung when he’d pulled away from her. But she got it. He didn’t want Aspen to read more into this. A part of her heart ached, but this was what she’d signed up for.

Be patient with him.

But don’t fall in love.