
Mason’s gaze slid over the barroom of The Shipwreck. It wasn’t that busy, like other Tuesday nights. A handful of people played pool in the corner; the table was a new addition Finn and Charli had installed last month. A few couples enjoyed the upbeat rhythm that bled through the speakers from their position on the dance floor. Laughter and excited voices rose every now and then.

Mason leaned against the bar next to Link. His friend hadn’t been in for a while. The woman he loved was away at some sort of rehabilitation center, and they had no idea when she’d be back, or if.

“Heard anything from Emma?” Mason asked.

Link shook his head, his shoulders sinking a little lower. “Nope.”

Mason clapped a hand on his friend’s back. “I’m sure you will soon.”

Link nodded, but the tension weighing him down didn’t ease from his expression.

“Fancy seeing you here,” his brother, Sebastian, joked from Mason’s other side.

Mason turned and teased, “I work here, asshole.”

Sebastian shrugged and ran a hand through his dirty-blond hair. There was no mistaking they were twins: they had the same build and similar features, but where Mason was jagged and rough, Sebastian was soft and much more approachable.

Sebastian wrapped his arm around his boyfriend who approached from behind. “You remember Perry.”

Perry, a freckled redhead a foot shorter than Sebastian, smiled and offered his hand.

Mason shook it. “Nice to see you again. How’s things in the hospital administration office?”

Perry’s blue eyes flashed in surprise. “Good, thanks.”

Sebastian caught Finn’s attention and ordered a couple drinks as Mason scanned the room again.

“Well, look what the cat dragged in.” Sebastian slapped hands with Bently before pulling him into a hug.

Bently ruffled his hair and chuckled. “Hey, Seb.”

“Bastard!” Sebastian shoved his hand away and elbowed Bently in the gut.

“You were too pretty. Had to bring you down to our level,” Bently said. “Besides, I’m sure your boyfriend would agree. You look better when everything isn’t always put together. Am I right?” Bently nudged Perry, who blushed almost as red as his hair.

“Ignore these assholes. They just like to give me a hard time.” Sebastian handed his boyfriend one of Sand Dune’s finest India pale ales.

“I heard about the incident at the bookstore. Any idea who did it?” Link asked as Bently took the empty barstool beside him.

Mason’s ears perked up as he straightened. “What happened at the bookstore?”

Bently sipped on his beer. “Someone spray-painted some homophobic stuff on the windows. Vargas and I were gonna help her clean it off, but we got called off for an emergency. Waiting to hear back to see if any of the local shops had video footage around that time. She didn’t have any.”

Mason’s shoulders rose as his stomach churned. Why hadn’t Pippa told him? She could have messaged him. She must be shaken up.

“Is Pippa okay?”

Bently cut a look his way. “As good as can be expected. I didn’t realize you and her were close?”

Mason shrugged. “Aspen basically lives at her store.”

Sebastian nudged him. “Are you finally seeing someone?”

Mason wished he had a beer in his hands, but there was no drinking on the job. “No. We’re just . . . friends.” That might enjoy some benefits in the near future.

Pippa’s moans and screams echoed in his head, making his cock hard. He forced his thoughts to what Bently had told him and anger quickly replaced desire. Who the fuck would mess with Pippa? His fists clenched. He wanted to head over there right now and check on her.