
Mason’s eyes darted to Pippa as she stopped talking mid-sentence. Her empty gaze stared ahead before her eyes rolled up. He gently pressed his hand to her shoulder. He’d seen these types of seizures before. If he wasn’t gentle enough, she might become combative in this state.

Mason inserted himself between her and the woman, drawing her closer.

“Back the fuck off,” Mason snapped at the woman who clearly hadn’t listened to Pippa. The woman’s eyes widened as she recoiled.

Lady’s attention focused back on her owner. She whined and barked, pressing her nose into Pippa’s thigh.

“I got her, girl.” Mason kept a watchful gaze on Pippa. Her cheek twitched before she started walking forward. Mason kept his arm around her, ready to support her if she fell. His voice softened as he spoke to her. Pippa’s sweet scent rocketed him back to the last time she’d been in his embrace. “I got you, baby. You’re okay.”

“What’s wrong with Pippa?” Aspen asked.

“It’s another seizure, sweetheart.”

“But she’s standing.”

Pippa’s eyes focused straight ahead once more. Mason led her over to a chair. “Aspen, ask Troy if he has a Gatorade for Pippa.”

“She’s got some here.” Aspen disappeared around the corner as Mason returned his watchful gaze on Pippa.

He got her seated and asked, “You okay, Pippa?”

She blinked as if confused and nodded.

Aspen returned with a bottle of red liquid and the man from behind the front desk.

“Is she okay?” Troy asked, his face going a little pale.

Mason ignored him and asked Pippa, “What’s your name?”

Pippa blinked and shook her head. “Why are you asking me that?”

“You had another seizure.” Her gaze met his, confusion and something that looked a lot like annoyance flashed in her amber eyes.

“Follow my finger,” he instructed as he moved it from side to side.

“I’m good,” Pippa refused, her lips pursing as she focused on her lap.

Aspen set the drink in front of her.

“Thank you.” Pippa twisted off the top and took a sip before standing.

Mason held her elbow. “You sure you don’t want to rest a while longer?”

She shook her head. “Nope. I’m gonna take Lady out. She probably needs to do her business. Sorry for the spectacle.” She glanced around to Troy, Aspen, the two patrons, and lastly, him. Hurt clouded her eyes.

“Let me help. I can take her out while you sit here and have a little more time to recover.” Mason reached for the leash, but Pippa pulled away and shook her head. “No, it’s fine. I wouldn’t want to trouble you any more than I have. Seems like you were running late as it was.” Pippa led the dog to the front door and disappeared around the corner.

Fuck. She was pissed and had every right to be. I’m an idiot.

“Is Pippa going to be okay?” Aspen’s worried voice asked.

“Yeah, sweetie.”

“Will I ever get seizures? Are they contagious?” Aspen tucked closer against him.

He smoothed one of his palms over her back, trying to comfort her as he led her outside. “No. They are not contagious. Remember, Pippa had a brain injury that causes her epilepsy. You don’t have one, so you don’t need to worry about it.”