“What’s up?” Pippa asked, concern twisting her belly in knots.
“Is it a lie if you just don’t tell someone something?” Aspen tucked a strand of her reddish-blond hair behind her ear.
Pippa took a deep breath and exhaled before answering, “I believe that is considered a lie by omission. But it really depends on the situation.”
Aspen bit her lip and looked at Pippa. “I think I lied to my dad, then.”
Okay. This is a little awkward. “Oh?”
Aspen nodded. “I told him the dance was great. And it was until the 3Cs showed up.”
Pippa leaned in, her brows drawn together. “Did they do something?”
“Rachel and I were dancing and having fun while David went to go get a drink. Cara, Christie, and Crystal came up and started saying mean things again. Rachel’s kind of been avoiding me ever since.” Aspen took a deep breath. “And today, she told me it’s because she doesn’t want anyone thinking she likes girls.”
Pippa’s heart broke for the young woman. She moved forward and wrapped her arms around Aspen, giving her a hug. “Now you listen to me. There is nothing wrong with someone attracted to the same sex. You can’t help who you fall for. But I know you and Rachel are just friends. Those bullies have no right to target you like this.” Pippa pulled back, cupping Aspen’s face in her hands as she locked eyes with her. “There is nothing wrong with you. They are the ones with the issue. They must feel so insecure about themselves or angry about their lives and they are choosing to take it out on you. That’s on them. You are perfect. You hear me?”
Aspen’s eyes grew watery as she nodded.
“I have some experience dealing with these types of people. It’s best to stand up to them. And to tell someone who can help that you trust, like your dad. I think you should share this with him.”
Aspen rolled her eyes. “I told him about the soccer thing, and he made a scene in town. Cara’s dad started yelling at him and everyone was staring. It’s all they were talking about at school for two days. It just made it worse. Now when they see me, they bump into me on purpose or shove me.”
Pippa sighed and dropped her hands to take Aspen’s. “I wish there was a magic fix for this.”
“I miss my friend.” Aspen sniffed.
Pippa touched the half-heart necklace Aspen had given her. “You know, I’ve learned that the people who really love you will make an effort to stay in your life. If they don’t, it’s their loss. Because you are a special, smart, and talented young woman. I am honored to have met you.”
Aspen smiled. “You mean that?”
“Every word . . . Can you make me a promise?”
Aspen swiped her tears away. “Sure.”
“Promise me you’ll tell your dad about what the 3Cs are doing. This abuse needs to stop, and he’s in the best position to help you.”
Aspen drew in a long breath and let it out before she nodded. “Alright.”
“Good afternoon,” Troy interrupted them with a grin.
“Hey.” Pippa waved and offered him a smile. “There’s a box of books that can be shelved behind the desk. Other than that, it’s just the usual. I’ll have my phone if you need me and I’ll be back to lock up at six.”
“Sounds good. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.” Troy gave Aspen a wave before he headed to the front desk as a few people entered the store.
Pippa turned back to Aspen. “You like that book?”
Aspen pressed her hand to the cover. “Yeah. It’s—”
Lady barked.
“Aspen, you were supposed to meet me in the café twenty minutes ago.” Mason’s deep voice was short, making both Pippa and Aspen flinch.
Aspen scrambled to her feet and Pippa stood. The young girl wasn’t going to tell him anything if he used that tone. “It’s my fault. We got caught up chatting,” Pippa said.
Mason wouldn’t even look at her. Instead, he focused on his daughter. “Let’s go.”
Don’t I deserve some acknowledgement? He’s the one who kissed me, damn it!