“Anything!” Aspen rushed.
“You get your dad to buy us lunch.” She winked.
“I think I can handle that.” Mason’s mouth twisted into what she would deem a smirk.
“Saturday it is, then,” she agreed.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I have to go tell David. Can I run over to the High Tide Diner, Dad?”
“Look both ways before you cross the street,” he reminded Aspen as she flew out of the shop.
Pippa laughed.
“She’s a little excited.” Mason chuckled before shaking his head.
“Just a little,” she teased.
His aquamarine eyes swirled with some unnamed emotion as his gaze locked on hers. “Thank you for doing this.”
She waved her hand. “It’s no problem. Sounds like fun, actually.” The alternative was walking to the park with Lady like she did almost every day. Not that it wasn’t nice, but she’d love some company and conversation for once.
“Can I get your number? I’ll let you know when I’m on my way to pick you up.” Mason pulled out his phone.
Heat rose to her cheeks as her belly flipped. Sure, he’d been grumpy, but the dinner they’d shared the other night had been super nice. I wish he was asking for my number for other reasons. But it was a start.
She rattled off her number, and a moment later, her phone pinged with an incoming text message.
“Now you have mine.” He licked his lips.
God, how good would that beard feel on her thighs? Was it soft or rough?
“I’ll pick you up Saturday at one if that works?” Mason asked, interrupting her thoughts.
“Sure,” she squeaked, her eyes dragging down his short-sleeved flannel shirt to the black cargo shorts he wore. Was his cock proportionate to his ginormous size?
“Have a good evening,” Mason said.
She flicked her gaze back to his, fire scorching her face from her lascivious thoughts. His blue eyes darkened. Was it just her, or was that desire sparking in those cerulean spheres?