You’re beautiful. He held her gaze. The last thing she needed was an older man telling her that. It would probably make her uncomfortable.
She licked her lips, drawing his attention down. Fuck, he wanted to lean across this table and kiss her.
Mason shot to his feet. “I better get going. Thanks for dinner.” He picked up his bowl and silverware.
Pippa’s hand touched his. Fire scorched his arm from the connection. She sucked in a sharp breath and pulled the dish from his hand. Did she feel this too? “I’ve got it. You have a good night at work.”
He nodded and headed for the door. Mason opened it and turned back. She was behind him by a few steps.
“Thank you again for everything. You’ve done a lot for my little girl, and I won’t forget it.”
Pippa smiled. “It’s no more than any other decent person would do.”
“I’d say my debt to you is growing.”
“Having to not eat dinner alone was nice. Not that I’m keeping track, but I’d say we’re even.”
Was she that simple to please? Would that be true for her in the bedroom too?
Fuck, I’m too old.
Pippa was something else.
Too bad she was off-limits.