Pippa sat at the front desk of her bookstore and scanned the room. A group of preschoolers had gathered for book-related craft and story time. Pippa would be gone before the teens got out of school and arrived for the YA fantasy book club. Aspen would be there, and Pippa couldn’t bear to learn if Mason was keeping her away now or not. And if she showed up, then what was Pippa supposed to say? I love your dad, but he’s a coward. My dad killed your mom because he needed money for my medical expenses. Oh, and I’m pregnant with your half-sibling, but your dad doesn’t know because he won’t even talk to me.
She blew out a frustrated breath. Afternoons were harder for her anyways. Her seizures tended to hit more often then, and so did the nausea that had started the last few days.
Brynn was helping an older woman in the mystery section and a few other people milled about.
Lady yawned near her. Pippa petted her head and reached for her phone to reread the texts she and Mason had exchanged over the last two weeks.
Mason: I don’t think we should see each other again. I’m sorry, but I need to focus on what’s best for Aspen.
Pippa: Can we talk?
Mason: I don’t think that’s a good idea.
Pippa: You don’t think I deserve a face-to-face conversation after everything you promised?
Mason: I told you, Aspen always will come first. I can’t do this anymore.
Pippa: I have something to tell you that I won’t do over text. Please, Mason. You owe me at least this.
Mason: Nothing you can say will change my decision. We’re done, Pippa. Being with you would be betraying my daughter.
Mason: You deserve to find someone who can give you everything. And that someone isn’t me.
Pippa: You’re right. I do deserve better than this.
Pippa rubbed a hand over her face and rested her elbows on the desk in front of her, the weight of everything bearing down on her shoulders. She was exhausted. Between the hormones, the uptake in her seizures, and her broken heart, she was barely getting through the day. Can I really do this alone? She pressed her hand to her belly, tears blurring her vision. She swallowed down the ball of emotion. She couldn’t cry here. And she couldn’t imagine having a baby by herself. As scary and as unsure as her future was, one thing was for sure: she was going to have to make a choice about whether or not she would be a mother. Could she be enough?
A warm, soft hand rested on her shoulder. She sat up.
Brynn’s sympathetic gaze met hers. “Do you want to go rest upstairs?”
Pippa wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. “No, I . . . I can do this.”
Brynn set down a stack of books on the desk before she leaned against it. “He looks like crap, too, you know?”
Pippa’s chest tightened. There was no use pretending with Brynn; the woman was insightful and observant. “It’s his own fault. He won’t even talk to me.” A tinge of bitterness coated her tone.
Brynn nodded and sat on the stool next to her. “I’ve known Mason for a couple years now, and he seems like a really good man.”
That’s what I thought too.
“But . . .” Brynn met her gaze. “I’ve recently reevaluated my standards for men, and they’re a lot higher now. If a man can’t stand with you in the most difficult times, he isn’t the one for you.”
Tears welled in Pippa’s eyes once again. She opened her arms to Brynn. “Can I hug you?”
Brynn’s smile was small and brief, but she nodded and wrapped her arms around Pippa.
Pippa sniffled. “Thank you.”
“I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but I do know Aspen has been asking for you every time she comes in.”
“She’s been here?” Pippa grabbed a tissue and wiped her eyes.
“Yes, after school a few times a week, and she always asks for you. Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
Pippa’s heart broke a little more. This was so complicated. She loved Aspen, but did Mason not want her around his daughter? He still lets her come. What did all this mean? Maybe if the man would talk to her, she’d have a better idea on how to move forward.