
Mason shifted the car into park, glancing at the yellow school bus. “You sure you got everything you need? Toothbrush—”

“Yes, Dad. First-aid kit, emergency numbers, and an extra kidney.” Aspen listed off the items on her fingers.

Mason turned to her and smiled. “You’re such a smart-ass.”

She shrugged with a grin. “Wonder who I get that from?”

He sighed, unbuckling before he wrapped his arm around her. “I’m gonna miss you, sweet pea. You call me if you need anything.”

“Soccer camp is one week. I think you can handle it. After all, only five more years and then I’m off to college.” Aspen teased as she hugged him back.

“Don’t remind me,” he grumbled before kissing her cheek.

“Okay, stay here. I’ll get my bag.” Aspen reached for the door handle.

“Not gonna happen.”

“Daaaad. Please? Don’t embarrass me. Look, none of the other parents are babying their kids.” She pointed towards the group of teens filing onto the bus.

Mason’s chest grew tight. He hated this growing-up thing. “Fine.”

Her eyes sparkled with excitement. “Really? Oh! Thank you.” She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him.

He squeezed her tight, not ready to let go. She’d have to be the one to make that move.

Aspen released him, kissing his scarred cheek. “See you in a week. Oh, can you check in on Pippa for me?”

He frowned. Pippa had been avoiding him since the dinner two weeks ago. “Check in on her?”

Aspen slid out of the truck. “I think she gets lonely sometimes. Promise me you’ll stop in at least once this week?”

“Are you that worried about her?” Concern bubbled in his gut.

Aspen shrugged, her eyes darting to the dwindling line for the bus. “I love her, Dad. She doesn’t have anybody to look after her.”

Aspen loved Pippa? He cleared his throat, mind reeling. “Sure thing, sweet pea. Love you.”

“Love you too, Daddy.” Aspen shut the door before jogging to the back and retrieving her duffle bag.

Mason waited until she was seated on the bus before he pulled out his phone to check the string of texts he’d exchanged with Pippa over the last two weeks.

Mason: You feeling okay?

Pippa: Yes.

Mason: I have a ton of food left over. I should bring you some.

Pippa: I think I ate enough seafood to last me a lifetime.

Mason: I want to see you again.

Pippa: Tell Aspen I’ll hold a copy of Selfie for her for when she returns from camp.

Mason: Okay. Is that a no?

Pippa: I’m really busy this week.